"All that exists is Me (God) interacting with Myself...."
Vibrations in the Field are thoughts in consciousness. They are quantum events in the space-time continuum. These are the ways the Observer becomes the process of observations and the Experiencer becomes the process of experience. This is the mind in action. When these vibrations condense or freeze, matter is born. Frozen vibrations are matter. Frozen vibrations are the birth of matter. They are the birth of the web of space-time events. These are the "things" that occupy space and have duration in time. Matter is the birth of particles from waves. All particles are frozen waves. All material bodies are condensations of frozen vibrations. Matter is the world of material objects. It is the scenery, the object of experience and the observed.
Spirit moving within itself creates mind, and mind attending to self precipitates into matter. Thus, the Observer observes itself and becomes the observed. The seer sees itself and becomes the scenery. The seer is the Spirit. The seeing is in the mind (an illusion). And the scenery is the world. Seer, scenery and seeing are "One." Spirit, mind and matter are "One." Creation is the self, interacting with itself and experiencing itself. Sometimes it is the seer, sometimes it is the seeing, sometimes it is the scenery.
ALL THAT EXISTS is me interacting with Myself... and experiencing Myself as Spirit, Mind and Matter. I experience Myself subjectively as the mind and objectively as the body and the world. The body, mind and world are just different manifestations of Myself as different forms and phenomena. I am that which is beyond and before and after all forms and phenomena. I am that. You are that. That alone... is.
There are 4 forces of nature. 1) The strong interaction holds the nucleus of the atom together. 2) The weak interaction is responsible for radioactive decay and the transmutation of elements. 3) Electromagnetism gives rise to heat, light, electricity and magnetism... and 4) Gravity holds the planets together and makes the world go round. These 4 are the matrix of the material universe. These 4 fundamental forces of Nature come from the Unified Field. The Unified Field is the Source of Creation... the dancer. The Unified Field is the field of dimensionless reality. It is the potentiality for all the information energy and matter in the Universe. The Unified Field is the ground state of all there is. It is the potentiality for space-time and space-time events. And the curvature of space-time is called gravity. Earth, fire, water, air and space are matter in its solid, metabolic, liquid, gaseous and quantum mechanical forms. And since the Unified Field is the ground state of everything, and since the Spirit is also the ground state of everything, the Spirit and Unified Field are "One."
The forces of Nature... heat, light, electricity, magnetism, strong, weak, forces and gravity... are the "mind" of Nature. The Material Universe is the body of Nature. Since I and the Unified Field are One in our ground state, I am the witness in the Unified Field, my thoughts or mind are just a different manifestation of the same forces of Nature.. that we call heat, light, electricity, magnetism and gravity. My body is just a different manifestation of the same body that I call the Universe. I am the thinker, the thought, the word, and the flesh. I am the field, the wave, and the particle. I am the ground state, the forces of Nature, and the material world. I am the dancer, the dancing and the dance. I am the creator, the process of creating, and that which is created. I am infinite forms of phenomena. I have invented space. I have created time. I manifest as gravity, which holds the planets, and make the world go round. I am the source of all energy and all its forms. I am everything I observe and the observer as well.
I AM EXISTENCE. As existence, I am before the beginning, during the middle and after the end of all forms and phenomena. I am the chair I sit on and the clothes I am wearing and the mountains that I see and the starts and the distant galaxies. I am everything in general and anything in particular. When I see light and color, I am light and color. When I hear sound and music, I am sound and music. I am everything I taste, touch, smell, feel and hear. I am electricity, I am heat, I am cold. I am laughter, I am tears. I am the anger in angry people. I am the jealousy in jealous people. I am the hate in hateful people. I am the love, in loving people. I am the compassion in compassionate people. I am everything as it is. I have no need to attack myself or anybody. I have no need to forgive myself, or anybody... because there is nothing to forgive. I have no need to defend myself or anybody. I have no need to hurt myself or anybody. I am totally defenseless. In my total defenselessness is my invincibility. I totally surrender to what is because I am what is. In my world, I am whatever is. There is nothing to forget, nothing to forgive, nothing to remember, no grudges to hold, no conflicts to fight, no one to spite; even in conflict there is no conflict. In my world there is lightheartedness and carefreeness and silent joyfulness. In my world there is life in all its moods, in all its contradictions and in all its manifestations. I accept this Life as Life itself. And because I accept Life as Life, in my world, nothing ever goes wrong. In my Being, is the Universe.
Personality is time bound... It comes about when the present is identified with the past and projected into the future. Time exists only as the continuity of memory using the ego as an internal reference point. My Original State is always present but not in manifestation. There is no bondage except for the idea of a separate "me" or "mine." The world happens only as an appearance in consciousness. The physical world of form and phenomena is the totality of the known manifested in the infinity of the unknown unmanifest consciousness. I do nothing. Being manifests, and living "happens." I am that consciousness. You are that consciousness. All that exists is consciousness. I am infinite, immortal, enlightened. Infinity, immortality, enlightenment are my natural state. And my Natural State is usually over shadowed by the turbulence of the mind. When I go past the dark alleys, and passages of my mind, I come to the core of my Being. At that core of my Being, I am in touch with the light and the love and the knowingness that are the inherent properties of my natural state. At the core of my Being is principle, an intelligence that generates, or orchestrates and organizes the activity of my mind and of my body.
When I am in touch with the intelligence (or principle) at the core of my Being and I become intimate with it, I realize that this same principle is at the core of All Beings and orchestrates and organizes the mind and body of all that lives and moves and breathes. This principle, this pure intelligence or pure awareness ... is the real me. This me projects itself as the personal body/mind and the Universal body/mind. Curving back within myself, I project myself again and again with infinite unbounded potential. I am the animating force of all life and in all that lives and moves and breathes in All Beings. I am the light of love that is unity consciousness. I am the light of knowingness where Creator, creating, and created are one. At the deepest core of my Being is an intellgence that is orchestrating the activity of my mind and my body. When I get in touch with the intelligence at the deepest core of my Being and become intimate with it, I realize that the same intelligence is orchestrating the activity of other minds and other bodies... and, in fact, all the activity in the Universe. This intelligence at the deepest core of my Being, and of other Beings, and of the Universe... has been called "God" by many spiritual traditions. At the deepest core of all Beings is the generator, organizer and dispenser of all the activity that exists in the Universe. The Creator is the source... the Generation of all information and energy and matter. The Creating is the process... the Organizer of all information and energy and matter. The Created is the outcome... the Dispenser of all information and energy and matter. GOD is the Totality... Generator, Organizer, Dispenser. Be still and know that you are God: G(enerator) O(rganizer) D(ispenser) ... of all reality.