Everything Is a Divine Plan... God guiding God

July 3, 2009

Every moment of our lives is an opportunity. An opportunity to grow, change, become "Self-Realized," Awakened, and have full awareness of our Divine nature as God.

In every moment, every situation, every occurrence, every everything. God, Being All That Is, has orchestrated Himself/Herself/Itself into an interactive multi-dimensional exploratory playground of sensual experiences in constant flux called Life.

Nothing is happenstance, although free will is present. There are no accidents or coincidences. Everything has God's seal of approval for growth and change. It is Divinely created. No, not as fate would have it, but as God, which we are, would have it. There is "Divine Order" in all that occurs. Everything is a "Divine Set-Up" to give us the opportunity to Awaken and remember that we are God.

As spiritual beings having a human experience, we may feel ourselves thrust into unreasonable situations. Well, what is really going on here? Every situation has been set up by us specifically to help us remember we are the actors, the scene, the director, and the audience of this passion play.

It is all us. This is our Awakening taking place. We are the dreamers, the conceivers, the creators of it all. Everything that happens points back to us as God. Everything in the world is our creation. It is our Consciousness made manifest in matter. And it is all in symbolic form.  A fun riddle for us to experience together.

Since everything is a Divine Set-Up, instrumental to our Awakening, there is nothing out of place. It merely shows us where we are in our Consciousnes, in our Awakening process.

We are experiencing what we have manifested. Each manifestation points the way to more awareness, more Consciousness, more responsibility, and hence, more Awakening. It is a big cycle or energy loop endlessly opening to itself like a flower that blooms forever. It becomes more and more itself. We are becoming more and more ourselves.

I once had an experience of traveling West during sunset. We were moving fast enough to follow the sun. The sunset lasted for hours and was constantly changing. Its beauty was awesome and timeless. Every Divine Set-Up has a beauty like that reminding us to look within and connect with our magnificence, our Soul.



June 20, 2009

What exactly is God-Realization?

God-realization means Self-discovery in the highest sense of the term. One consciously realizes his oneness with God. As long as the seeker remains in ignorance, he will feel that God is somebody else who has infinite Power, while he, the seeker, is the feeblest person on earth. But the moment he realizes God, he comes to know that he and God are absolutely one in both the inner and the outer life. God-realization means one's identification with one's absolute highest Self. When one can identify with one's highest Self and remain in that consciousness forever, when one can reveal and manifest it at one's own command, that is God-realization.

Now, you have studied books on God, and people have told you that God is in everybody. But you have not realized God in your conscious life. For you this is all mental speculation. But when one is God-realized, one consciously knows what God is, what He looks like, what He wills. When one achieves Self-realization, one remains in God's Consciousness and speaks to God face to face. He sees God both in the finite and in the infinite; he sees God as both personal and impersonal. And in his case, this is not mental hallucination or imagination; it is direct reality.

This reality is more authentic than my seeing you right here in front of me. When one speaks to a human being, there is always a veil of ignorance: darkness, imperfection, misunderstanding. But between God and the inner being of one who has realized Him, there can be no ignorance, no veil. So at that time one can speak to God more clearly, more convincingly, more openly than to a human being.

As ordinary human beings, we feel that infinite Peace, infinite Light, infinite Bliss and infinite divine Power are all sheer imagination. We are victims to doubt, fear and negative forces which we feel are quite normal and natural. We cannot love anything purely, not even ourselves. We are in the finite, quarreling and fighting, and there is no such thing as Peace or Light or Bliss in us. But those who practice meditation go deep within and see that there is real Peace, Light and Bliss. They get boundless inner strength and see that doubt and fear can be challenged and conquered. When we achieve God-realization, our inner existence is flooded with Peace, Poise, Equanimity and Light.


The Brain... (the command station)

June 10, 2009

The brain is the physical organ located directly below the cranium... It is a machine.

The "Mind," on the other hand, is the energy that makes the brain work.  If we were able to use the comparison of a light bulb, we would refer to the bulb as the brain and the electricity that makes the bulb glow as the mind.

The brain is perhaps, the most important organ in the body because it controls the other parts.  At this very moment, the brain is sending messages to your lungs which keep them functioning.  It tells your heart to beat;  it tells your eyelids to blink.  It keeps your body temperature even; the metabolism going... etc.

An important fact about the brain is that it is made up of cells that do not reproduce.  For example:  when you cut your finger, skin cells are destroyed.  Immediately, the blood begins to coagulate and form a protective cover so that the skin cells can go to work mending the wound.  It takes awhile, but eventually the skin cells reproduce a sufficient number of cells to cover the area perfectly.  The new cells then push the scab away and you have a perfect repair job.

Most people do not understand that this reproductive process is absent in the brain.  Nor do they realize that taking drugs of any kind, including alcohol, to the point of feeling "high" causes destruction of brain cells.  Once brain cells are destroyed, they will never be revived or replaced.  Misuse of drugs and alcohol is one way of systematically crippling the brain and creating a mentally limited human being.

If we, as human beings, want to live a full life, we must pick up the responsibility of caring for our brains.

Besides being made up of very special cells, the brain also functions like a huge computer with virtually unlimited capacity.  Your brain has stored, and continues to store every hit of information with which you have come in contact, from the earliest days of your existence to the present moment.

Every book you've read, every person you've met, every life experience... all of it is recorded in great detail.


Taking a Soul Nap

May 31, 2009

Once the soul goes through its life review, it goes through a period of rest if it must reincarnate.  For this reason, the soul may not return right away.  It could take years... even centuries, for it to make its way back to this life.  There's a time and place for everything.  The soul returns, according to the needs and the knowledge it must gain in the next reincarnation.

For example:  if for spiritual growth and life's lessons, a soul needs to gain knowledge that wartime might provide, it will wait until such a time exists on the planet.  If the soul must learn about true love, it may be held back until the one it is truly fall in love with, is on the planet as well.

The evolved soul is given special consideration.  If a soul has reached a heightened level of existence and doesn't need to come back, but chooses to for whatever reason, it might wait for that perfect time.  For example:  if a soul wanted wanted to contribute to the space program, it would have to wait for that era when it can be of the greatest help.

Where does the soul go for its must needed R & R (rest and relaxation)?  Perhaps in a plane where other souls are waiting. Or maybe it waits in heaven  or paradise itself, but unfortunately is only permitted a temporary visit until it can come back and settle in permanently.


Life: A Reason for Being

May 29, 2009

The Evolvement of the Soul...

We're all messengers from God, sent to Earth to carry a message.  It's true that God exists without us, but "all" of us are a part of God.  We will live forever; we have lived forever; and we will never be diminished or lost.

Spirituality means, in essence, finding yourself, finding the God within and without... and fighting the battle against negativity.  If just one of you will go out into the world and show the light to others... then a "grayness" has turned bright.  God's light has become brighter.

This is how you fight negativity... and it only takes a handful of us to accomplish a great deal.  Each one of us is here to evolve our Soul.  We've chosen to experience life, in order to perfect, more rapidly.  We're evolving as a unique part of God, perfecting one aspect of Him and Her.  God is both our Mother and our Father.... Mother/Father God.

God experiences through us.  Start looking at life as something you must survive.  It's something that can be fun, but it's also very tedious.  As best you can, look at life as a school, where bad food is served in the cafeteria and the teachers aren't always of the highest caliber.  You'll make it through much better if you maintain a sense of humor.


What Happens At The Time of Death?

May 22, 2009

Physical death (passing over) is our passport to a new land.  Life in spirit is governed in a truly democratic manner.  You arrive into the realm that you have earned through your own actions.  The amount of money and connections you have in the physical world hold no power in this land.

Your character is your position.  The wisdom you have gained in your earthly incarnation can pave the road to bliss.  It makes no difference if you are the bank president or the bank teller in the physical world.  What matters is the quality of your life on earth.  We must prepare for this journey by living on earth with dignity, integrity, service, love and a sense of humor.

To state it as simply as I can... at the time of death, the spirit body is released from the physical suitcase.  A silver cord attaches the physical body to the astral body much like an umbilical cord connects a baby to its mother.  When it is time to pass over, this cord breaks.

In a near-death experience, the cord is not severed; the spirit body releases partially from the physical one, but the physical and astral bodies remain connected.  The spirit floats above the physical body and observes what is happening around it.  People who have experienced near-death experiences report this experience after surgery or at the time of a serious accident, which we call a life or death situation.  Usually, they hear someone pronounce them dead, whether it's the doctor in the emergency room or the police officer at the scene of an accident.

Feeling as if they are floating, they can see themselves lying on the operating table, or possibly on a stretcher, and observe the activity around their physical body.  Outside their body, yet still in the physical realm, they can hear people trying to help them.

Next, they seem to be going through a tunnel.  At the end, a beautiful light envelops them.  Language cannot express the emotion soul feels in this sacred vibration.  Relatives and friends in spirit stand at the border and speak to them.  They are told it is not yet their time to pass on.

Souls who have not completed their earthly incarnation must return to the physical life.  There is still work to be done.

Almost everyone who has a near-death experience returns to the body quickly.  They do not have time to visit the spirit realms.  But there are certain people, who in their near-death experience, are allowed to view parts of the spirit world.  Invariably, no one wants to go back to earthly life.  Don't you find this interesting?

If death is so terrible and frightening, why do people who have glimpsed the other side, all tell us the same thing?  "The experience was wonderful."  "I have never felt such security and peace."  "There is indeed an afterlife."

People who have had a near-death experience are never the same.  They gain a new sense of freedom because their fear of death is gone.  They understand the sacredness of life, and life takes on an even deeper meaning.  They realize that the purpose of our life on earth is to grow, to improve and to serve others.

The 10 Illusions of Human Beings

April 26, 2009


We imagine that Need Exists.  Because we imagine this, we imagine a God who has needs.

No such God exists in the Universe, but we think that one does, and that OUR God is that God.  The idea that Need Exists is a fascinating thought, but it has nothing to do with Ultimate Reality.

In Ultimate Reality, everything simply is. Things exist in the IS-NESS. That which IS, IS, and that which is NOT, is NOT, and nothing which IS needs or requires that which is NOT. Indeed, in Ultimate Truth there is NOTHING which is NOT, since everything that IS, IS. This includes everything that could possibly BE.

It is not possible for anything that is NOT to BE, because if it can be conceived or thought of in any way, then it is something that IS--since thoughts are things. And if it is thus a part of the ISNESS, then it cannot be something which is NOT.

Given this truth, it is not possible for That Which IS to "need" anything. It has everything it could possibly need, because it IS everything it could possibly have. The idea that Need Exists is an illusion.

And the idea that GOD needs something is likewise not only an illusion, but a strange one at that. For if God is God as we understand God to be, the very thought of God needing something is crazy on the surface of it. It is illogical in the extreme, unless our definition and understanding of God is incorrect.

Now, the idea that God needs nothing is not a small thought. It punctures holes a mile wide in virtually every major theology on the planet. Because if God does not need anything, then God is in want of nothing. And a God who wants nothing has been impossible for our earthly religions to imagine.

Yet this is the True Nature of Deity. God wants and needs nothing.

This changes everything -- from The Ten Commandments on down -- as even the casual student of theology must realize.


Of course, Failure cannot exist if Need does not exist, because if The One Being needs nothing, inasmuch as it IS, and therefore, HAS, Everything... it cannot possibly "fail" to be, do or have ANYthing.

Therefore, Failure does not exist.  There are only experiences in Life that WE call "failure," based on judgments we have made, as well as deep misunderstandings we have held about just exactly Who We Are.

Let's look at this a minute.

If Who We Are is God, then it stands to reason that we cannot "fail" at anything. Everything we are doing must be an act of Pure Creation by the Purest Creator, and therefore Perfect. All Creation is perfect, and all outcomes are perfect, because there is nothing that The ISNESS needs or wants.

If we do not remember this-if, in our state of human amnesia, we forget this ultimate truth-it could seem as if "imperfection" exists. This illusion would then appear to be real, and some of us would call it a "failure." In our reality, something has "failed" to be perfect exactly as it is. Yet what would cause a thing to be "imperfect"? Something would have to be missing or wanting, yes? And God misses and wants nothing. Therefore, FAILURE IS A RELATIVE THING, relative to who and what one imagines oneself to be.

If you imagine yourself to be God, then everything you are creating is perfect and without flaw, failure or need, because you created it. The simply act of creation makes it perfect, because it is impossible to create anything that is missing anything-since God is All There Is, and, therefore, the concept of something "missing" is and cannot be part of Ultimate Reality.

With the absence of Need comes the absence of Failure.

This is something that is not generally understood. Human society has had a difficult time wrapping itself around this concept. Those humans who have embraced it fully have become Masters.


As soon as we imagine ourselves to be able to Fail, based on our ability to not meet our Needs, we experience ourselves as separate from God... for we know automatically and without question, that God cannot fail at anything.  Since we experience that We have failed, we conclude that we must be something "other than God."

"Other than" is a big phrase. It presupposes that there is more than ONE of That Which Is. That presupposition is false. It is inaccurate. There is one One Thing, and all things are part of the One Thing That Is.

In the world of our Illusion we do not know this. We imagine there to be all sorts of things that are separate from each other, and we play out this imagining in our moment-to-moment experience. We think that there is something "other than" our Divine Self, and that WE ARE PART OF THAT.

The idea of Separation is the biggest single stumbling block to our living the lives of peace, harmony and happiness for which we say we have dreamed.

In my own life I experience this every day. I see others in pain, and do not feel it. I see the world in trouble, and do not heal it. I perceive people, places and things as if they were separate from me -- and I treat them that way.

I would never treat the earth, or my possessions, and certainly not other people, the way that I do if I thought that those people and those things were me, and I was them. If I thought I was doing to myself what I do to others, many -- perhaps most -- of my behaviours would fall away.


Because we have thought of ourselves as separate from God and separate from each other, we have concluded that there is "not enough" of everything to go around.  Before we entered into the Illusion of Separation, we had the direct experience that there is enough.  There is always enough for ONE.

Yet when more than one of us has to split whatever it is we are looking at, in that moment we get to imagine that our portion is "not enough." This is an illusion, pure and simple. Yet for me it has been a powerful illusion, one whose impact has run practically half my life.

First of all, a thing can't be "insufficient" when Who I Am wants and needs nothing. But even if I imagined that I DID want and need something, I would have to imagine that there was more than One of me in order to conclude that there was "not enough" for me.

It is easy to see, now, how one Illusion builds upon another. Without the first three illusions the fourth illusion would be impossible. And without the fourth illusion, the fifth would be impossible as well.


There is only one thing that I can think about if I engage in the illusion that there is "not enough."  I have to think that it is possible for me to have "enough" and that there is something I can do to make sure that I do.  There is something that "having enough" REQUIRES.  There must be something I can do, or have in order to qualify for sufficiency.  All I have to do is figure out what that Requirement is.

Oh, and by the way, because I imagine that I am required by Life to be, do and have certain things in order to have the "stuff of which there is not enough," I have gotten into the habit of requiring YOU to have certain things as well, if you want some of the things that I have -- like love, power, money, or any of the things of which there is not enough.

Thus, a system of "pay up or get out" has been set up by the human race -- and not just in commerce, either. This scenario plays itself out all across the human landscape. And it all derives from the 5th Illusion.


The logic for Judgment in the universe is impeccable... IF we accept and embrace as True, the first five illusions.  For if there is such a thing as Requirement, how will we know if anyone has MET the Requirement?  A system of Judgment MUST be in place, so that this determination can be made.

Based on this logic, we have created in our mind a God who judges us, and we have created in our life on earth a judgment system -- or what we sometimes call a Justice System -- to make sure, in both instances, that the Requirement has been met for us to receive enough of the Stuff of Which There is Not Enough.

In the case of God, we imagine that this means a "place in Heaven." This is something that we have to "earn," because there are "not enough" places to go around for anyone and everyone! You have to "meet the Requirement."

God only knows what that requirement is, however. It changes from religion to religion, from time to time and from place to place. Presumably, it changes from planet to planet as well.

This can all get very confusing, but it does keep the human race on its toes. Unfortunately, not with regard to what people do, but at least with regard to how much they worry about what they have done.


Of course, if there is a system of Judgment in place, there must be a Reward for those who are judged to have met the Requirement and a Punishment for those who have not.

Thus, we have come up with the idea that Condemnation Exists. This has been very useful to me in my own life. Since I imagine that God condemns us (for not meeting needs He never had, and for not giving Him things he never required), I imagine that I should be able to do the same with my neighbors, as well.

So, I have joined in creating a very judgmental society, which condemns people with impunity --sometimes sentencing them to death, and using God as my justification for doing so. It is "God's Law," I tell myself. An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.

Such a "law" was never devised by God, but that hasn't mattered to me. My Illusions allow me to think that such a law was devised. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


There is no condition in the Universe in which the ISNESS does not exist. The ISNESS is just that -- what IS. And What IS simply IS, under all conditions. That is, there is no condition under which It is NOT. Conditionality, therefore, does not exist as the inherent nature of things.

Nonetheless, we imagine that it does. For if Condemnation Exists, then it seems that there must be some "condition" under which we are not okay. That condition is announced and revealed when a Judgment is made as to whether or not we have met the Requirement to receive enough of the stuff of which there is an Insufficiency.

One Illusion follows another, follows another, follows another, creating a matrix of interweaving imaginings, none of which have anything to do with Ultimate Reality.

In my own life, I have used the Illusion of Conditionality as an excuse to add conditions to my love. "I love you IF..." has been a big game I have played. And I played it because I believed that this is the game God has been playing with me.

Only when I realized that Conditionality does not exist as a part of God -- and, therefore, not as a part of Life, nor as a part of Me -- was I able to begin to step away from the Illusion. I was then able to live with it, but not within it -- which is an entirely different matter. When I lived within the Illusion, I thought for sure that....


...but this is the Ninth Illusion. A thing cannot be superior to itself, and, if there is only One of us, superiority does not exist.

My own commentary on this illusion is very painful for me, for I have imagined myself to be superior to many others in many moments of my life. Far too many for me to feel comfortable with myself. Far too many even today, when I know better.

Yes, this Illusion has gripped me, really gripped me, in a powerful way. It has been the most difficult one from which to step away. It has been the hardest to release.

Judgment -Condemnation-Conditionality-Superiority. Brother, have they been a part of my life.

Yet the Master entertains none of these illusions as part of her reality. The Master knows Who We All Are, and What We All Are, and, by definition, eliminates the possibility of Superiority from our Single Unified Expression and Experience.

The Master looks down on no one. The Master will judge not, and neither condemn. The Master loves without condition, not only other people, but Life Itself, and everything IN life. For the Master knows that everything in Life is in him, since he IS that which Life is, and there is nothing that Life IS that he is not.

This is not a small understanding. It changes everything. It makes anger and hurt and disappointment and revenge and judgment and condemnation and superiority impossible.

Those things are only possible in the world of our illusion. And the world of our illusion is only possible if we are ignorant of it. That is, if we KNOW our world is an illusion, then that which is illusory about it disappears, and what is seen is what is Real. What "is" is what IS.


This is the Illusion which says that you do not know that all the rest of this is an illusion. Not only that you do NOT know, but that you cannot know. That is because you are Ignorant of the Truth of what IS.

Yet this Ignorance is an illusion. It is not Real. Were Ignorance Real, then what is Real would not be Real, for you could not Know It, and the only thing that is Real is something you can Know.

By definition, the "unknowable" is not Real. It cannot be. All things that are Real are Knowable. Remember that always. All things that are Real are ultimately Knowable. They have to be. Otherwise, they cannot be Real.

Therefore, Ignorance does not exist. It is an illusion.

You may be thinking right now, as you conclude the reading of this commentary, that you do not "know" half of what I am talking about here. But you do. At some deep level, you not only do, but you KNOW that you do.

Grasp this truth now, and embrace it, making it part of your here-and-now experience. When you do, you take the first step on the road to mastery, the first step on the path to COMMUNION WITH GOD.


Hell Is What A Person "Thinks"... not a location

April 22, 2009

We've created a God in our own image; angry and judgmental "because we are."  God Himself is merciful and All-Loving, but we have projected onto Him, our fears.  This separates us from His Love, from His Healing and from each other.  When we change our perception from a God of wrath to a God of mercy, we will realize God is a divine physician.

It isn't God who sends us to "hell" for being bad, it's God who "delivers" us from hell after the ego told us we are bad. 

Hell is when you "THINK" you're a terrible person and you never do anything right; God is the One who reminds you of the innocence in which you were created and to which He will help you return.

Hell is when you feel you're a complete and utter failure who will never succeed; God is the One who reminds you that He lives within you and that in Him, all things are possible.

Hell is when you "think" you can never escape your past mistakes; God is the one who makes all things new.

It is the ego... not God... who casts us into the "fires of hell."  It is God who lifts us out of them.

Hell is identification with the outer self.  Hell is not a place, hell is not somewhere that we go when we are dead; hell is not punishment handed out to us by something or someone else - it is rather, our contracting... sinning... separating activity of choosing the wrong self to identify with.

We identify with that which we are not, we identify merely and only with the empirical ego, the self that can be seen; and that puny, finite, temporal, limited and lacerating identity is nothing other than hell.

Hell is a horrendous case of mistaken identity.  We have forgotten who and what we are, a transcendental self, plugged straight into spirit, speaking with the words of God and shining with the radiance of the Goddess.  But we identify with the finite self, the objective self, the self that can be seen, and not the self that is the seer, divine and infinite eternal.

Hell exists only in the mind... the product of a person's thoughts.


You are GOD... Manifest on Earth

April 15, 2009

Who am I?  I am God, manifest, as a woman named Wanda.

Who are you?  You are God, manifest as the person that you are.

Everything is God. 

Every single, solitary thing... is God.

God is interacting with God.  We are here, to assist God in experiencing Himself as Divine Love... through us.

God created Earth as a school room; a playground... a library where Souls could come to learn.  All the trials and tribulations we go through... are all a part of learning experiences. 

Our souls came here, "this time" ... to learn a specific lesson that we needed to learn.  And when it's time, we go back until it's time to figure out what we will "be" or "do" next.

God has placed Himself on Earth, and the only way He could do that was via physical bodies. 

There is nothing that has existed in the past, that exist now, and that will exist in the future ... that is not God.

"When I quantify space, I create time.  Time is a way of measuring space.  When I quantify time, I create space.  Space is a way of measuring time. 
When I quantify myself, I create a person."


God Is Closer Than You Think...

April 10, 2009

Waking up a bit after midnight each morning, I feel pulled, as if I am being beckoned. As the sleep clears, the beckoning transforms into a yearning. Careful not to wake my wife or children, through the dark of night, I make my way to my meditation room. Closing my eyes, I settle into my Self. Yet, I cannot call it my self. I rest into the soul of God, all knowing and full, content. The call, the yearning is to merge with my God. The subtlest of shifts occurs as my Self transforms into God’s Self. Existence is so exquisitely magical. That shift is so subtle, yet so huge. One moment, I cradle the universe within me. The next, enraptured in humility, I sit with my God, merged with my God, yet distinguished just enough that I may worship my God as other.

How is it, I wonder, that so many feel God is so far away? You ARE God. Your soul is the soul of God. I can’t help feeling that experiencing one’s Self as God is something everyone can easily do. After all, you are one with God. The Kingdom of Heaven dwells within you. Yet, I remember the futility of Krishna Murti’s similar suggestion to his students: “Just be.” One is aware of the Self only to the level to which the physiology is awake.

Please know that God is there, always, deep within you. And, God has many faces, many personas. One moment, God appears as the Goddess: in fact, any one of an infinite number of different Goddesses, each complete with a uniquely palpable being, presence, and feeling of communion.

As you seek peace and divinity, know that it is very nearby… always. It is the sanctity of your own Being. Why, then, is it so elusive to so many? The answer lies in the power of habit. Habit rules attention. Habit is the conditioning of awareness that colors perception, even of your own Self. Conditioning deceives you into thinking the veil between you and God is vast. Truly, however, the veil between you and God is infinitely thin—nonexistent really.

I have thought about teaching meditation in a different way. Instead of having people rest into the Self, have them rest into God. I realize the problem with that lies in the notion of God. What does that word mean? It’s different for everyone. For some, it implies emotional swooning. For others, it incites childhood religious issues. Still, for others, it is a nonsensical term, an opiate of the masses. Superficial echoes of God’s nature abound, including allusions to chicken soup, a rainbow, and a beautiful song.

God is only known after being directly experienced. In that moment, everything changes. You are simultaneously infinitely grand and totally humbled. Held by God, you rest in the arms of God. Your life is orchestrated by that communion. Your daily life gains meaning as every experience is an expression of divine union.

Move beyond an emotional or theoretical union with God. Experience the truth of your nature and the nature of existence. God is closer than you think. Your divinity is the impetus behind your every action. It is only that your attention has been habitually distracted. Viewed biologically, the difficulty is a physiological one. Viewed psychologically, it is a state of confusion. Your job is simply to brush away those cobwebs. They create such feelings of loss, despair, desperation, alienation, and fear. What lies ever so slightly beneath the surface of life is profoundly exquisite, sublime, and naturally yours. Embrace the tactile, visceral, non-abstract, and completely non-metaphysical experience of your own divinity. Allow it to be blatantly obvious.

Through your personal process, churn the ocean of your inner landscape. Through meditation, rest into your own Self. In time, you will come to know the deepest nature of your Self. In that moment, God becomes Self-evident. Isn’t life a wonder? The true final frontier, the greatest challenge for all humanity throughout the ages, is to discover that which is Self-evident. The mountains of spiritual doctrine, eons of yearning, and relentless pursuits in limitless directions are all in the name of that.

The intent of this article is to lay before you the truth of your Being—to point you in a direction that requires cultivation. Consider yourself blessed to have the opportunity to pursue it with eyes and ears wide open.

