Understanding is one dimensional. It is the comprehension of the intellect. It leads to knowledge, which you have. Realization on the other hand, is three dimensional. It is the simultaneous comprehension of the "whole body" - the head, heart and physical instincts. It comes only from clear experience.
What is Manifesting?
The word “manifesting” means to make something tangible or readily perceived by the senses especially by sight (this is according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary). The word can be applied in many ways depending on the context. For our purpose, manifesting can be applied because we want to materialize our desires, goals & dreams that only take their forms in our minds. Oh no, this will not give you the power to control other people because nobody can do that. Each of us was given a free will and we should use that will to make conscious choices so that we will reach our highest potential.
Manifesting is a way of empowering us. It enables us to take charge of our lives instead of just leaving it to chance and fate. It gives us the power to transform our thoughts into something that is real & material to us. If you keep thinking about money, a picture of a dollar bill or a check will come into your mind. Sooner or later this will become an experience for you in your reality. You might see a dollar bill on a billboard or hear someone talk about money. Of course if you only see it or hear about it but not own it, it is of no use to you. You might as well try another way of manifesting it.
Although manifesting is a gift intended to grant our wishes, it will work against us if we do not make a conscious choice of what we are going to manifest. We can manifest even if it is something we do not want as long as we keep the thought of that object or idea in our mind.
Manifesting is an amazing gift that wields power to fulfill our deepest desires as well as our greatest fear, so use it wisely…
Manifesting Your Reality
It’s an uncanny phenomenon but it’s true: The Universe has a way of supporting those who get crystal clear on what they want and then wholeheartedly go after it.
It may be a challenging concept to wrap the mind around, but like it or not, we are all the authors and architects of the results we experience in our own life. Every thought we have, word we speak (whether to ourselves or out loud), and action we take is a seed planted – a seed that will germinate and grow when the appropriate conditions are present. Like farmers carefully planting the next harvest, we reap the effects of having sewn the seeds of past thoughts and behaviors. There are no idle thoughts! Everything we see, everything we experience, has its origin and cause in the realm of thought. Understanding this phenomenon is the beginning of true wisdom.
The challenge is that most people are unaware of how they create their reality from moment to moment, because they are not sufficiently aware of their thoughts. Do you know someone who no matter what happens in their life, it’s "not their fault," and so blames external factors for the circumstances of their life? This disempowering perception often leads to victim mentality and over time, victim mentality becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
If we want to transform something in our environment - whether it's our career, finances, health, relationships, or physical body - we must first transform how we think. When we change our thoughts we automatically change our actions, thereby producing a shift in our environment. Why? Because the external world is a reflection of the internal world. When we understand this and take full responsibility for everything that happens in our lives then we are “at Cause.” Mahatma Gandhi recognized this Universal Truth which is why he encouraged people to “be the change you wish to see in the world.”
This cause and effect dynamic is the essence of the first Law of Supreme Influence. One important key to making this Law practical is the realization that, in any given moment, a person is either “at Cause” or “in Effect” – there is no middle area. Being “at Cause” means having the awareness to recognize how our moment-to-moment "causes" produce the conditions of our lives, even if the "effect" isn’t experienced right away. In other words, when we're “at Cause” we get a result and we own it! Owning the result, desired or not, liberates the individual to make different choices. Conversely, anytime we blame or give an excuse, we're “in Effect.” The more we take responsibility for the cause and effect in our lives, the better our results! Remember, when you change your environment automatically changes!
4 Simple Steps In Manifesting What You Want
Manifesting is the process by which your thought becomes things in your reality. Whether it is something you really, really want or something you really, really fear, manifesting, through the law of attraction will work. Events will unfold so that it will lead the way to the materialization of the object of your attention.
Be mindful of the things in your mind for your thoughts can work for you or against you. Deliberately create your present and your future by consciously directing your thoughts towards your desires. Here are some simple steps to manifesting what you want.
- Know what you truly want. If you know what you truly want, your heart, mind and soul are one with your desire. You can give your undivided attention to this particular goal.
- Keep the end in mind. Have a very clear vision of the end result of your desire. Make it as vivid as if it is really there with you. See it, hear it, feel it, smell it or taste it. It is not your job how it will be manifested; your job is to envision what will be manifested.
- Cooperate. Make your actions congruent with your desires. Recognize opportunities and grab them.
- Pretend you have it and give thanks. Play the game of pretend. Give thanks like you already have what you want and it will indeed come to you.
Consciously choose the path you wish to take. Deliberately create your experiences. Once in a while, life may throw something bitter at you, but stop for a moment before you react. Ask yourself, “Is this really as bitter as it looks, or does it hide something better?”

~ The only normal people are the ones you don't know very well. ~
A Story...
A Story...
day, a woman found herself standing at Heaven's gate. The angels' only
question to her was, "Susan, why weren't you Susan?" Within that
simple question lies the hart of all our soul work. If you are David,
why aren't you fully David? If you are Mary, why aren't you fully Mary?
We are here on Earth to become who we are meant to be. Being who we are is the heart of soul work, for a two-way relationship between soul and personality, lights the path to becoming fully ourselves.
The need to be who we are, always brings us back to soul. We have never disconnected from soul... it's always there, waiting to be recognized, even though we may have turned a blind eye to the soul or stopped paying attention to our inner guidance. Sometimes, people become instinct-inured and can no longer trust their intuition, their souls. That is unfortunate, for the real value of being connected to soul is that it's literally the basis for trust.
The opposite of trust is control; control is an announcement that we do not trust. But when we are in touch with our souls, we can trust, and when we can trust, we feel our bond with that which remains a mystery, which is outside nature or deep within one's nature, which has yet to be explored or even discovered. Opening a connection to our souls opens so many gates in life.
Sometimes, the soul is temporarily forgotten because of ego needs or stages. But even then, we always remember what once was, or feel that might be. That remembering or feeling is usually marked by pangs of separation, isolation, loneliness, and meaningless. Boredom, vulnerability, dissatisfaction, disorientation and dis-integration of the mind/body connection, are often signals, too, that a profound need must be addressed. When these feelings come up, we are standing at the soul's gate. This is our opportunity to enter the realm of the soul.
Many people mistakenly think of the gateway to the soul as a hole to be filled, not knowing that it is an opportunity. And so they look for something to plug the hole, rather than going through the gate to reconnect with their souls. They fill this hole with diversionary addictions that keep them looking outward for satisfaction. The answer, however, is never in "the outer." The outer is simply a mirror of what is working or not working inside. Focusing on the outer keeps us from going through the soul's gate. But when we're right at the soul's gate, and when we "see" it as a gate, we can surf right through it, beginning the process of reconnection.
So many windows lead to the soul, and personality is one of the most important. In fact, personality is a crucible for soul work. One of the illusions that harm us so, is the notion that ego and soul are adversaries. We need to recognize that the ego-soul partnership is one of the greatest teams going. Each nurtures and feeds the other. Of course, the ego-soul partnership can become unbalanced, but that's no reason for alarm. When we team up with the soul, the personality learns that it's not alone but is a member of the team journeying through life.
Many other windows lead to the soul. A lot of things we consider interference or irritants along our paths to the soul are actually part of the paths themselves. We can look at these obstacles as invitations to grow again, to move beyond the familiar and knowable.
Another important part of soul work is to examine what keeps coming to our gates. What positives and negatives have come to us three times or more? In the past year, what consistently positive feedback has mirrored our gifts, talents and resources? What consistently challenging feedback about stubbornness and willfulness have we heard from three or more people? By showing us aspects of ourselves, these messages may open the way to the next lesson. Sometimes, the messages are troubling to receive; we tend to resist seeing our dark side. But we must learn to embrace both the beauty and the beast within our nature. Both good and bad must go into our learning crucible, so that we learn not only how to manifest our gifts, but also how to tame and reign in and tickle our beasts. Everything that's presented to us is a learning tool, another way to contact our soul.
So many gateways lead to the soul, so many states of being, so many voices wanting to be heard. In that quiet place, when the chatter stops, we can receive the messages that guide us on our own true life's path. And we can surf through the gateway to the soul, to become who we are meant to be.
We are here on Earth to become who we are meant to be. Being who we are is the heart of soul work, for a two-way relationship between soul and personality, lights the path to becoming fully ourselves.
The need to be who we are, always brings us back to soul. We have never disconnected from soul... it's always there, waiting to be recognized, even though we may have turned a blind eye to the soul or stopped paying attention to our inner guidance. Sometimes, people become instinct-inured and can no longer trust their intuition, their souls. That is unfortunate, for the real value of being connected to soul is that it's literally the basis for trust.
The opposite of trust is control; control is an announcement that we do not trust. But when we are in touch with our souls, we can trust, and when we can trust, we feel our bond with that which remains a mystery, which is outside nature or deep within one's nature, which has yet to be explored or even discovered. Opening a connection to our souls opens so many gates in life.
Sometimes, the soul is temporarily forgotten because of ego needs or stages. But even then, we always remember what once was, or feel that might be. That remembering or feeling is usually marked by pangs of separation, isolation, loneliness, and meaningless. Boredom, vulnerability, dissatisfaction, disorientation and dis-integration of the mind/body connection, are often signals, too, that a profound need must be addressed. When these feelings come up, we are standing at the soul's gate. This is our opportunity to enter the realm of the soul.
Many people mistakenly think of the gateway to the soul as a hole to be filled, not knowing that it is an opportunity. And so they look for something to plug the hole, rather than going through the gate to reconnect with their souls. They fill this hole with diversionary addictions that keep them looking outward for satisfaction. The answer, however, is never in "the outer." The outer is simply a mirror of what is working or not working inside. Focusing on the outer keeps us from going through the soul's gate. But when we're right at the soul's gate, and when we "see" it as a gate, we can surf right through it, beginning the process of reconnection.
So many windows lead to the soul, and personality is one of the most important. In fact, personality is a crucible for soul work. One of the illusions that harm us so, is the notion that ego and soul are adversaries. We need to recognize that the ego-soul partnership is one of the greatest teams going. Each nurtures and feeds the other. Of course, the ego-soul partnership can become unbalanced, but that's no reason for alarm. When we team up with the soul, the personality learns that it's not alone but is a member of the team journeying through life.
Many other windows lead to the soul. A lot of things we consider interference or irritants along our paths to the soul are actually part of the paths themselves. We can look at these obstacles as invitations to grow again, to move beyond the familiar and knowable.
Another important part of soul work is to examine what keeps coming to our gates. What positives and negatives have come to us three times or more? In the past year, what consistently positive feedback has mirrored our gifts, talents and resources? What consistently challenging feedback about stubbornness and willfulness have we heard from three or more people? By showing us aspects of ourselves, these messages may open the way to the next lesson. Sometimes, the messages are troubling to receive; we tend to resist seeing our dark side. But we must learn to embrace both the beauty and the beast within our nature. Both good and bad must go into our learning crucible, so that we learn not only how to manifest our gifts, but also how to tame and reign in and tickle our beasts. Everything that's presented to us is a learning tool, another way to contact our soul.
So many gateways lead to the soul, so many states of being, so many voices wanting to be heard. In that quiet place, when the chatter stops, we can receive the messages that guide us on our own true life's path. And we can surf through the gateway to the soul, to become who we are meant to be.

Why me? Why this? Why now? All around you, people are lamenting about their troublesome lives. They have no idea why they have been dealt such burdens. With understanding, they will find release. Everyone has the ability to use their own intuition to solve their problems.
You can take every circumstance of your life and ask your higher guidance for the lesson it contains. Once you break a pattern or have an attitude of forgiveness or acceptance, the problems will melt away. Your soul has designed certain scenarios in your life in order to grow and evolve. Because you do not have the entire picture in your waking state, it is best not to judge things as "bad" or "good." Instead, remain in the present moment and act from a place of love and understanding. Become a detached observer if you can. You will find that emotions such as fear and anger will arise less frequently when you do this.
Transformation occurs when many different forces come together to impact a person. There is no remorse that the original substance must go through extreme duress in order to change form. It is part of a plan to create something new and more beneficial. Sometimes you may feel that you are being run through the mill. Have courage, for when you persevere, you will find the end result very valuable indeed. Fate is not something to fear. Be assured that your higher intelligence is guiding you on a journey that will lead you back to a state of perfection. All you can do in the meantime is to refrain from immersing yourself in resistance, bitterness or feelings of impotence. There is a reason that you are here now.
Please do not settle for less than you are capable of becoming. You are a being of infinite potential and scope. You are entering a time when a dimensional shift is taking place. You signed up to be a part of this experience. It is your destiny to be a way-shower and pioneer. Everyone alive on this planet today, will play a role in the dramatic changes occurring in the earth's consciousness.
We will be moving from a 3-dimensional universe to a 4-dimensional one. This means that you will need to shed old belief systems and limitations. Because you are preparing for these changes by expanding your awareness, the shifts will come more easily. Accessing Christ consciousness is a way to interface with a higher vibration.
Your destiny is something that has been preordained. You have freedom of choice but when you choose in opposition to your destiny, your life becomes a struggle. You are a source of light and healing to others. If you would like to discover your own destiny, follow these simple guidelines. Go within and ask the questions, "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" Start writing in a stream of consciousness manner. Don't worry if your worlds do not make sense at first. You will filter out the message that you are to receive.
Everyone has a unique role to fulfill in this world. Each job is equally valuable. Your mission will be something that you are good at and that comes easily to you. You may be here to help people laugh or you may be here to help people think. You are all here to help each other to love. Don't miss an opportunity to fulfill your destiny. You will receive many rewards when you are on your path.
Christ consciousness unites us with God and with one another. Our Christ selves have not lost connection with the Creator. It maintains the innocence which it was created. When we remember our true selves, there will be no more separation or illusion. The pain that we have created will fade when we remember the truth of who we are. The Christ force energy creates a spiritual healing, and as you heal the Spirit, you heal the body. It brings a peace that surpasses understanding.
We are One. We are the body of Christ. As you open up to the awareness of this truth, you allow the energy of Christ to flow through you and out into the world to bless and heal. The Master Jesus is still actively assisting people to regain their connection with Spirit. Take advantage of this Divine assistance. You can also call upon other ascended masters and angels. You will be led to the remembrance of your own destiny, power and divinity - your Christ self. I honor you for your role in the resurrection of consciousness that leads to atonement (at-one-ment) with our Creator.