We are God, manifest... on the physical plane called "Planet Earth."
We are here to find out who we really are. Who am I? I am God MANIFEST. You are
God. Who are we? We are God manifest on this physical plane called "Earth." Thanks to us, God is able to experience Himself in this realm. Our presence here, "as Souls" is helping God ... be God. When we grow, God grows. We we learn, God learn. When we fail, God fails. We are here as a "Co-worker" with God.
The material Universe and the physical body that I experience through my senses, are only one aspect of reality. All Material things are made of up "atoms" and Atoms are composed of subatomic particles moving at lightening speeds through huge empty space. Subatomic particles are not material things; they are fluctuations of energy and information in a huge void. They flicker in and out of existence, on whether or not I am watching them or not. When "I" make the choice to observe the subatomic world of mathematical ghosts, the ghosts freeze into space-time events or particles that ultimately manifest itself as matter.
physical body and the body of the physical universe are both
proportionately as void as intergalactic space. The essential nature of
my material body and that of the solid-appearing universe is that they
are both non-material. They are made up of non-stuff. And my material
body and the body of the Universe both flicker in and out of existence
at the speed of light. And since my nervous system cannot process those
quantum events at the speed in which they are really happening, it
decodes the energy and information soup of the Universe into the
experience of solid three dimensional material bodies.
When "I" decide to observe the quantum soup of the Universe, made up of non-stuff, it manifests in my awareness as a physical body that I experience as mine, and other bodies that I experience as the Universe. In my decision to become an observer, I create the experience of my physical body and also that of the physical Universe. My brain is made up of the same non-stuff that exists everywhere. It is a decoding instrument that moves through a vibrating dance of energy and information, and, as a result of this interaction, I start to experience material and solid things. My brain is a sensor that tunes in a non-local, ominipresent vibrating field of infinite frequencies. My body is an experience that I have in space and time. It has a location in space, and it exists in time. It has a beginning, a middle and an end. And my world is a continuum of experiences and it is therefore comprised of space-time events. It exists as objects in space that have beginnings, middles, and endings. My brain is an instrument that I use to have experiences.
The Most Relaxing Music Imaginable Instrumental Piano Yantra One Heart, One Love
WHERE IS THE ME that is using this instrument (the brain) to have these experiences called the body, which gets born, moves through space and time, and then dies? ME is the Experiencer behind every experience, the thinker behind every thought, and the seer behind every scenery, the observer behind every observation. The Experiencer changes, but the experience remains the same. The thought comes and goes, but the thinker is always there; the scenery transforms, but the seer remains unchanged... eternal. The real me is the seer, not the scenery. I cannot experience the Experiencer by using my senses, because when I use my senses, I begin to have experiences, and then I am no longer with myself... I am with my experience. I cannot experience the Experiencer by thinking thoughts, because when I am thinking thoughts, I can no longer be with myself, the thinker. Thoughts are experiences. And the thinker is the Experiencer.
PERHAPS THE THOUGHT IS THE THINKER in disguise; and the experience is the Experiencer in disguise. This is the dilema... Is the Thinker the thought? Is the Experiencer the experience? Could the seer be the scenery?
All experiences are "space-time" events. They are the world of dimensions. And since my body occupies space, it has height, width, volume... It exists in time. It is time bound. Even thoughts are flickering space-time events. They occur for a flicker of an instant and have a beginning, a middle and an end. For a Flicker of an instant, they occupy a space and location in awareness. Thus, all experience is time bound. The Experiencer, on the other hand, being the silent, nonchanging witness in every experience, is timeless. The Experiencer is dimensionless. The Experiencer occupies no space. And since the Experiencer is therefore before the experience, and it is there after the experience, it is always there, and being always there.... IT IS ETERNAL. Eternal, unbounded, spaceless, timeless dimensionless, the experiencer is Spirit. Spirit is the real me, meaning... non-material and dimensionless Spirit can neither be created nor destroyed. Spirit is spaceless, timeless and dimensionless. The fire cannot burn it and water cannot wet it. Wind cannot dry it and weapons cannot kill it. Eternal and unbounded, and non-changing without beginning and without ending, it is no where in particular... and everywhere in general.
Spirit is the essential of me. How can I find Spirit? Not by thinking.
Not by doing. Only by Being... And only THROUGH SILENCE, only by
Being... can I know myself. When I am not using memories, when I am not
participating, when I am just being.. then I am just an awareness. Then
I experience myself as the timeless factor in the midst of time-bound
I LOOK INTO THE MIRROR... and I see the change in my persona from ten years ago, but the ME that is is looking, is unchanged. It is the prison of memory that creates the boundaries of space-time and causation. When I escape the prison of memory, I experience the boundless in the midst of boundaries. Memories are frozen pictures of space-time events... and the Me who experiences the memories is the non-changing space between these space-time events.
notice the space between my thoughts. Thoughts come and go, but the
spaces are always there. I am now noticing spaces between written
words, spaces between objects, spaces between thoughts, spaces between
sounds, spaces between musical notes, spaces inside a cup, around it,
and outside it. I am noticing spaces, spaces, spaces... everywhere.
They are all the same spaces, and they are always there. Before the
thought came, after they left, the space is... Before the music was
born and after it died... the space is. And before words are uttered
and after the speech was silent... the space is. Before and after
death... the space is. The space always is, and in this space, I am.
Before birth, I am. After death, I am. I always Am.
When I quantify space, I create time. Time is a way of measuring space. When I quantify time, I create space. Space is a way of measuring time. When I quantify myself, I create a person. Spirit is beyond the void of space. This realm, beyond the void, is not an empty nothingness; it is the womb of Creation. Nature goes to the same place to create a galaxy of stars..... Personal time is born in the spaces between personal experiences. Cosmic time is born in the spaces between cosmic memories. Spirit is the potentiality for space-time events. And Spirit moving within itself creates space-time events and becomes matter. Spirit and matter are "one."
and observed are one. Seer and scenery are one. The seer, the
observer, the experiencer, the thinker, the field and pure awareness
are all different words to describe Spirit. Spirit (the Observer) has
no height, no width, no length, no breadth, no volume, no space, no
duration. It is eternal, bounded, ineffable and abstract. Spirit is
invisible. It is soundless. It is without texture... without taste,
without smell. It is dimensionless, spaceless and timeless. Spirit is
Me. Spirit is the immeasurable potential of all, that was, is and will
be... and it is Me. It is the Field. When the Field vibrates, it
creates waves. The vibrating Field... with it waves of unintelligence,
information and energy... is the invisible source of the fabric of the
space-time continuum. And since I am the Field, all thoughts are my
thoughts. Some thoughts are experienced more personally. I call them
mine. Some thoughts I experience less personally. I call these other
people's thoughts and also the thoughts of animals and Nature. Some
thoughts I experience inside my personal body, and some I experience
outside my body. Some are personal, others are impersonal; however, all
thoughts are equally mine.