Earth Healing Meditation

June 17, 2009

Take as long as you need to do this meditation. There is no time limit or restriction with this powerful visualization. You may experience very deep emotions in the process.

Imagine yourself anchoring yourself into the cool ground as tree roots. Expand your energy downward pulling / allowing the energy to flow from the higher chakras down through the top of your head. While doing so, expanding your roots to deep within the earth's center. Embrace the earth's core with these roots. Feel the love stream downward as you are the conduit of this love towards the Earth.

Now expand your roots outward filling up the entire inner portion of the earth so that is becomes a filled ball of roots..a filled ball of interconnecting love that continues to flow through now is an Perfect Embrace of unconditional divine love within the Earth.

Now allow the roots to slowly morph from inside to the outside into soft tender hands that gentle cradle the Earth. Is is a feeling of holding a newborn baby, you are a mother or father to the precious child of Earth!! Feel the Love flowing through you to these cosmic hands. Hold it, cradle it, let your love caress the Earth in warmth and tenderness.

At this point you may see the the Earth with a white auric-glow around it. Expand this glow...Allow this auric-glow of the Earth to gently pulse in your hands...leading into a gentle pulsing heart-beat rhythm.

Allow this beating of divine love and tenderness to infuse the energy grid, literally seeing this grid expand and contract around the earth within this auric-glow. This grid connects all things: plants, animals, people and places. You may feel many emotions of anger, hate, resentment and fear - the feelings of so many in the world. Take those emotions and transmute them into Love and continue being the conduit of light sending back 10-fold of love to every negative emotion.

Know that the love you have directed towards the center of the Earth, outside the Earth and back in towards the Earth is a heart beat itself to heal the Earth and her people.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you


May 27, 2009


Spiritual Flute Meditation

April 20, 2009


A Healing Meditation

April 17, 2009

Healing Meditation

Please try this meditation to relax and heal the body mind and soul.


Sit in a comfortable position.

Start to imagine that your body is slowly filling with light, starting from the feet and slowly moving upwards

As the light is moving up your body ----- feel that this light is relaxing the muscles and your mind.

Now imagine that any areas of disease or pain in your body is surrounded by a dark shadow which represents the unhealthy area.

I feel the light moving upwards until my entire body is filled with light and every muscle of my body is feeling relaxed.

Now feel that your body of light is radiating the light out from your eyes, the light is shining as if a torch is shinning out from your eyes.

Now feel that you are directing the light towards any area of the body that is giving you pain or discomfort, represented as a shadow on your body.

Feel that you are sending extra light to this area that is in pain or discomfort.

Imagine that the diseased or painful areas have dark shadows surrounding it.

Now feel that you are shinning a loving healing light to the diseased or painful areas so that the darkness is removed.

I radiate my shining light to my body and fill my bodies with this warm healing light.

I now radiate this healing light to the world.

I begin to feel that this healing light is returning me to health and vitality

Perfect health is available to me now.


Powerful, Empowering Video

March 31, 2009


Guided Meditation

March 25, 2009

Sit comfortably erect, without leaning forward or backward, left or right. Close your eyes and think thoughts of good will. Thoughts of good will go first to yourself, because if you can't think good will for yourself — if you can't feel a sincere desire for your own happiness — there's no way you can truly wish for the happiness of others. So just tell yourself, "May I find true happiness." Remind yourself that true happiness is something that comes from within, so this is not a selfish desire. In fact, if you find and develop the resources for happiness within you, you're able to radiate it out to other people. It's a happiness that doesn't depend on taking anything away from anyone else.

So now spread good will to other people. First, people who are close to your heart — your family, your parents, your very close friends: May they find true happiness, as well. Then spread those thoughts out in ever widening circles: people you know well, people you don't know so well, people you like, people you know and are neutral about, and even people you don't like. Don't let there be any limitations on your good will, for if there are, there will be limitations on your mind. Now spread thoughts of good will to people you don't even know — and not just people; all living beings of all kinds in all directions: east, west, north, south, above, and below, out to infinity. May they find true happiness, too.

Then bring your thoughts back to the present. If you want true happiness, you have to find it in the present, for the past is gone and the future is an uncertainty. So you have to dig down into the present. What do you have right here? You've got the body, sitting here and breathing. And you've got the mind, thinking and aware. So bring all these things together. Think about the breath and then be aware of the breath as it comes in and goes out. Keeping your thoughts directed to the breath: that's mindfulness. Being aware of the breath as it comes in and out: that's alertness. Keep those two aspects of the mind together. If you want, you can use a meditation word to strengthen your mindfulness. Try "Buddho," which means "awake." Think "bud-" with the in-breath, "dho" with the out.

Try to breathe as comfortably as possible. A very concrete way of learning how to provide for your own happiness in the immediate present — and at the same time, strengthening your alertness — is to let yourself breathe in a way that's comfortable. Experiment to see what kind of breathing feels best for the body right now. It might be long breathing, short breathing; in long, out short; or in short, out long. Heavy or light, fast or slow, shallow or deep. Once you find a rhythm that feels comfortable, stay with it for a while. Learn to savor the sensation of the breathing. Generally speaking, the smoother the texture of the breath, the better. Think of the breath, not simply as the air coming in and out of the lungs, but as the entire energy flow that courses through the body with each in-and-out breath. Be sensitive to the texture of that energy flow. You may find that the body changes after a while. One rhythm or texture may feel right for a while, and then something else will feel more comfortable. Learn how to listen and respond to what the body is telling you right now. What kind of breath energy does it need? How can you best provide for that need? If you feel tired, try to breathe in a way that energizes the body. If you feel tense, try to breathe in a way that's relaxing.

If your mind wanders off, gently bring it right back. If it wanders off ten times, a hundred times, bring it back ten times, a hundred times. Don't give in. This quality is called ardency. In other words, as soon as you realize that the mind has slipped away, you bring it right back. You don't spend time aimlessly sniffing at the flowers, looking at the sky, or listening to the birds. You've got work to do: work in learning how to breathe comfortably, how to let the mind settle down in a good space here in the present moment.

When the breath starts feeling comfortable, you can start exploring it in other areas of the body. If you simply stay with the comfortable breath in a narrow range, you'll tend to doze off. So consciously expand your awareness. A good place to focus first is right around the navel. Locate that part of the body in your awareness: where is it right now? Then notice: how does it feel there as you breathe in? How does it feel when you breathe out? Watch it for a couple of breaths, and notice if there's any sense of tension or tightness in that part of the body, either with the in-breath or with the out-breath. Is it tensing up as you breathe in? Are you holding onto the tension as you breathe out? Are you putting too much force on the out-breath? If you catch yourself doing any of these things, just relax. Think of that tension dissolving away in the sensation of the in-breath, the sensation of the out-breath. If you want, you can think of the breath energy coming into the body right there at the navel, working through any tension or tightness that you might feel there ...

Then move your awareness to the right — to the lower right-hand corner of your abdomen — and follow the same three steps there: 1) locate that general part of the body in your awareness; 2) notice how it feels as you breathe in, how it feels as you breathe out; and 3) if you sense any tension or tightness in the breath, just let it relax ... Now move your awareness to the left, to the lower left-hand corner of your abdomen, and follow the same three steps there.

Now move your awareness up to the solar plexus ... and then to the right, to the right flank ... to the left flank ... to the middle of the chest ... After a while move up to the base of the throat ... and then to the middle of the head. Be very careful with the breath energy in the head. Think of it very gently coming in, not only through the nose but also through the eyes, the ears, down from the top of the head, in from the back of the neck, very gently working through and loosening up any tension you may feel, say, around your jaws, the back of your neck, around your eyes, or around your face ...

From there you can move your attention gradually down the back, out the legs, to the tips of the toes, the spaces between the toes. As before, focus on a particular part of the body, notice how it feels with the in-breath and out-breath, relax any sensation of tension or tightness you might feel there, so that the breath energy can flow more freely, and then move on until you've reached the tips of the toes. Then repeat the process, beginning at the back of the neck and going down the shoulders, through the arms, past your wrists, and out through your fingers.

You can repeat this survey of the body as many times as you like until the mind feels ready to settle down.

Then let your attention return to any spot in the body where it feels most naturally settled and centered. Simply let your attention rest there, at one with the breath. At the same time let the range of your awareness spread out so that it fills the entire body, like the light of a candle in the middle of a room: the candle flame is in one spot, but its light fills the entire room. Or like a spider on a web: the spider's in one spot, but it knows the whole web. Be keen on maintaining that broadened sense of awareness. You'll find that it tends to shrink, like a balloon with a small hole in it, so keep broadening its range, thinking "whole body, whole body, breath in the whole body, from the top of the head down into the tips of the toes." Think of the breath energy coming in and out of the body through every pore. Make a point of staying with this centered, broadened awareness as long as you can. There's nothing else you have to think about right now, nowhere else to go, nothing else to do. Just stay with this centered, broadened awareness of the present ...

When the time comes to leave meditation, remind yourself that there's a skill to leaving. In other words, you don't just jump right out. My teacher, Ajaan Fuang, once said that when most people meditate, it's as if they're climbing a ladder up to the second story of a building: step-by-step-by-step, rung-by-rung, slowly up the ladder. But as soon as they get to the second story, they jump out the window. Don't let yourself be that way. Think of how much effort went into getting yourself centered. Don't throw it away.

The first step in leaving is to spread thoughts of good will once more to all the people around you. Then, before you open your eyes, remind yourself that even though you're going to have your eyes open, you want your attention to stay centered in the body, at the breath. Try to maintain that center as long as you can, as you get up, walk around, talk, listen, whatever. In other words, the skill of leaving meditation lies in learning how not to leave it, regardless of whatever else you may be doing. Act from that sense of being centered. If you can keep the mind centered in this way, you'll have a standard against which you can measure its movements, its reactions to the events around it and within it. Only when you have a solid center like this can you gain insight into the movements of the mind.


The Meditation Room

March 14, 2009


Meditate Daily...

March 13, 2009

The mission of Meditate Daily, a non-profit foundation, is to promote meditation and prayer as a way to Peace, Love and Healing.


Meditation on the Cave of Creation

March 1, 2009

Come, Beloveds, we will take you on a journey now.

Know, first of all that you are love. Love fills your being and makes up your very essence. When it is love that you seek, seek only yourself for all of love is within you. Fill your being with this thought. "I am love". Repeat it to yourself over and over until the realization of it sinks in. Be of love. Behave as though you believe it and only love will be in your sphere. Only love will fill the world as it was meant to be filled. Breathe it in as you inhale and send it out as you exhale. "Love, love, love. Love is all there is."

Breathe in deeply. Relax on the exhale. Fill your lungs with sparkling white light.

You look to see a field of light. You see the one dear to you standing at the portal, his hand stretched out to you. His face is kind and gentle. He is the dear gentleman of the Group who looks like The Grandfather. He tells you he has waited for you by this portal many times, usually when you were asleep.

You take his hand. He smiles at you. The hood of his brown robe falls back and you see his lovely face again. His is the face of an older man. His hair is grey and his face is wrinkled. His is a dignity and a love that has always accompanied you on the journey lessons. He presents himself to you in this fashion as he knows it is a form you see as strong and loving and safe to be with. You are always well taken care of with vast love when you are with him.

The two of you walk the familiar fields. They are meadows, filled with wildflowers. You walk away from the portal, across the meadow and down the long sloping hill to the village below.

On the way, you stop often to simply be together. You fill your lungs with the sweet smell of the clover and the flowers in the meadow. You listen to the babble of the brook and feel the sun on your face. The Grandfather always smiles alot. He always holds your hand so you do not have any fear at all. Surrounded with the love of his being, you advance without a care, without a thought, fearless in the evening summer sun.

When the path begins to show itself, The Grandfather allows you to be the one who walks on it. It is a narrow path, barely discernable in the tall grasses. He stays beside you, moving in his own lovely way.

The path widens. You sense that others could be there although you do not see them. This time, it is your turn to walk this path, seemingly alone. You chuckle at the thought as The Grandfather is so thoroughly there. How could you ever think you were alone?

You think of Dorothy and the yellow brick road. Ahead is the village. Not grandiose and glittering as Oz, but warm and inviting, filled with cottages with thached roofs. It is more like Brigadoon than Oz.

As you reach the outskirts of the village, you notice that it is dusk and that night will have fallen fully before you reach your house.

You realize that this is the village where you live. You visit it often in your sleep. The house that is yours is there. The neighbors are those you love. The fields are always within an easy walk. Your dog, your loving companion, comes bounding up. You marvel at the long distance he has traveled to greet you.

Suddenly, you realize that you can leap and run and play just as the dog does. You are free to run as fast as he, to leap and jump. You realize that your body is made of light, as The Grandfather's is. You and your dog play for a long time. Although it is night, time is not. It makes no matter to anyone or anything other than the dog and you how long you play. You are reminded of childhood days spent playing until it became dark. "Come home when the street lights go on," your mother would say. Dusk has fallen, the starlights have come on, and you are home.

"Come," The Grandfather says to you. His gesture of taking your hand again is so loving. Although your hand glows as greatly as his, it is more a joining of intent, a joining of purpose that a joining of flesh.

You walk to the fruit tree that grows in your yard. It glows a soft blueish green light. It is illuminated by its own light. A light from within. You sit on the bench and look at the stars. The sky is filled with them. You know all of their names. You remember faces of loved ones who have inhabited those stars. You dream of the star where you were born for a moment. You wonder why you are here and not there.

"You may go there," The Grandfather says, reading your thoughts.

"Not this night, dear one," you reply. You know that the Cave of Creation is there in your star. You know that the life you wish to lead, the life you choose, is determined there in that star. You breathe deeply and send thoughts of love to the people you know who live there for they exist only to serve Spirit. They only wish to love.

"Oh, Beloved," you whisper. "I am homesick."
The Grandfather hugs you for a very long time. He holds your hand up so you can see it. "Angel," he asks, "Whose hand is this?"
"Mine," you answer.
"What is it made of?" he asks.
"Light," say you.
"Correct. That light is the same light as that of the star. You carry it with you constantly. You are always home, for you have brought home with you. You are the home you seek. You are already there. It is not only part of you, it is all of you, the light shining-illuminated with your very breath."

"When you see the aura of another, this is the light that you see. You see the fire from the star they have been created on. You see the light from the fire of their own Cave of Creation. You see the form and the shape the fire has taken on. When you call the fire to yourself and say, Fire, I am homesick, tall, fat, lazy, happy, uncoordinated.......whatever, the fire takes that shape for you have called that shape into being. As most of you call so many things into being at once, the change might not be apparent at first or all at once. Do not let this trick you into thinking that there has been no change. You yourself have held the fire in the Cave of Creation. You know that it did as you bid. Decide now, before you sleep tonight in your cottage, what it is you will choose for yourself. Choose anything you wish to have, be, or do. Choose that which you desire. Remember that you are allowed to hold the fire without having it burn you for you are of the same essence. When you hold the fire, you hold yourself.
What will you create?

Slowly and deliberately, you make your choices and set your intent. The Grandfather tells you all is well, that whatever you choose for yourself is the right choice. You are comforted in that thought. Whatever you choose is for you and will enable you to learn and grow in the light. Your fire will burn brighter as a result of your choices no matter how they are perceived by anyone else. You feel greatly strengthened, full of power and majesty. You know that you are God. You look up at your star and bless all those upon it. You look once again at this village that still lays in slumber.

Suddenly, you realize that the village is the people living on the earth. They slumber as those of us who realize we are made of light stay alert and watchful. You look at The Grandfather. "Well done," he says. "You have learned much this night. Carry this with you as you return to the illusion of day. Your light must burn brightly to be seen through the illusion. It is only obvious when the illusion is stepped away from."

With that, he folds you in his arms. The sleeves of his robe become the wings of your beloved Angel. You looked up at his beloved face. You see only light, feel only love.

You realize you are back at the computer, looking at your hands of flesh, thinking of the light that is really there. You move your hands slowly away from the keyboard and squint your eyes. Turning them over, you catch a glimpse of the glow emanating from your finger tips. You think of the fire that is you.

"Welcome home, Beloved," the Angel whispers.

Silently, you raise your hand of light to your lips and blow a kiss to your Angel. "I love you forever."

"Sweet dreams, for love is and always is and so it is........"


Meditation with Colored Candles

February 25, 2009

Candle colors are the basic colors associated with the Chakras. 

They can be used to enhance meditation and well-being in the areas associated with their color. 

This is particularly true if you are just beginning your Visualizations. You are reminded of the Positive things you want to bring into Your Life by seeing the different colors. 

In the list below each color is shown along with the symbolism it represents.


For higher awareness, protection (from the material plane).  Used for Centering yourself because your not distracted by color;  Used most often in Meditation for inner peace, Spirituality, and attaining a higher power.


Used to visualize greater intellect and will. Good when concentrating on creative endeavors. Said to increase psychic awareness and clairvoyance. When trying to expand your imagination, this is a good color to concentrate with.


Used when you are concentrating on finding prosperity, money, and attracting wealth to yourself.  Also used by some when they want to concentrate on getting married, have a time of good fortune or getting pregnant.


Used when visualizing more Creativity in sex.  It is a stimulating color and related to healing energies. This is healing for sudden losses or changes.


Used to concentrate on health, self-expression, peace and tranquility; and greater understanding of those around you.


Used to stimulate extra-ordinary awareness (psychic powers); Comfort that this has been a color associated with Dignity, Spirituality, and Success it's vibrancy attract people to it.


Electric in nature, the color is said to increase intuition, Meditation Ability, Spirituality, It is the color of power. 


For finding a pure, gentle, unconditional love and now. Also used when concentrating on Spiritual Healing


For love, especially sexual in nature also used to concentrate on being a woman, Emotions of Love, Romance, and a true shared Spiritual Awakening.


Color with black added brings a darker shade and both the protection of black with the color symbolism. Color with white added and brings with it both the color symbolism and the white purity and protection from corruption.

