This is one of the most powerful blessings I can give you. Peace is a gift that is immeasurable in its value. It is a goal that many seek and few achieve. Why is this? Perhaps it is due to the ever-increasing need for stimulus in our society. People are constantly seeking more activity in an effort to gain fulfillment. They seek something outside of themselves for comfort. This cycle will be perpetual because peace can only be achieved by releasing attachment to external circumstances.
We were created in a state of peace, and it can be accessed by going within and remembering it. Feel the marvelous sensation it brings as you allow yourself to be supported by the Creator. There is no need for you to fret, worry or be agitated.
Peace is your birthright, and you always have the ability to choose peace instead of turmoil. Wars have been waged because of inner dissatisfaction. This unrest is projected outward and dissension takes place. Can peace possibly be gained by acts of violence? Of course not. Temporary submission may occur, but the inner feelings of anger and rage will remain until they erupt again. We are working diligently on the spiritual planes to help people create pace on earth. As each person realizes inner peace, it will affect the entire planet. "Fighting against" war and violence will only lend energy to them. Remove your energy from feeding this dynamic and it will eventually cease.
Many of you have not chosen war as a part of your experience. You can view it from the safety of your living rooms, and it has very little effect on your lives. Basically, all it has done is to incite emotions. Some are outraged and angry. Some are compassionate and motivated to extend themselves to be of assistance. Many have understood that their inner work will have a great impact on creating a peace consciousness, and they have been working diligently to raise awareness.
Peace incites passion and commitment in those who understand its value. In truth, there is nothing to be feared and nothing to be lost. Much strife and competition would be eliminated if people understood this. We have everything we need at our disposal. There are solutions to all of the world's problems if people would join together to solve them. Be certain that as you create harmony within yourself and find peaceful solutions to your own problems, it will add to raising the consciousness of the planet. Please dedicate yourself fully to this task. You will be greatly rewarded when you do.
When we gain understanding and acceptance of the diversity of the human condition, we will help to heal the mass consciousness and establish peace on earth. People must use their thoughts wisely and understand their power. It is a universal law that thoughts become their physical equivalent. To create peace in your external world, focus on creating peace within yourself. Whatever you give your attention to increases.
Change your thoughts of anger, hatred, retribution and fear to those of peace, compassion, tolerance and love. Go within for your guidance. As you develop wholeness in your personal life, it will be reflected outwardly to help the global consciousness. Ask your angels, guides and ascended masters to protect and uplift you. Remember, however, that they can only do their work in an atmosphere of compassion, not condemnation. Keep your thoughts and actions focused on the positive and you will be able to manifest great things.
Each of us has chosen to incarnate at this time for a specific reason. Our actions will be a great catalyst for putting an end to warfare and creating peace in our world.
Angel of Peace Prayer: Mother-Father God, I pray to experience the peace that surpasses all understanding. I am willing to release any fear or unforgiveness that would block my connection with You. As I connect with this energy, I can be assured that all is well. I am always free to choose peace instead of conflict. I am rededicating myself to extend this energy to others. I am here to be a spiritual peacemaker and I embrace my role. I am at peace now. And so it is.

Joy Is Your Natural Birthright
Joy has the power to open our hearts, remove fear, instill hope and foster healing. Joy leads us to wisdom because it connects us to all we are... our mind, heart, power and spirit. Joy stimulates our immune system, increases our energy and gives us mental clarity. It helps us heighten our level of consciousness so we can more readily tap into our inner wisdom. Instead of agonizing over decisions, we become more able to simply listen within and know what to do.
As we open ourselves to joy, we experience the breadth of human emotions, realize our connections to all life, feel compassion and dance lightly with the dramas of our lives. As our joy expands, we feel deeply connected to ourselves and to something bigger than ourselves.
When we have the ability to access joy, we are more able to stay centered in the midst of life's difficulties and tap our creativity. This helps our creativity pour forth, uncensored by our rational minds. We become able to recapture the spontaneity of childhood before we were taught to stop our wild scribbling and start coloring within the lines. Creativity that springs from joy also helps us reach beyond the boundaries of traditional thought for new, original, compassionate solutions to the problems and challenges of our lives and our society.
Joy is not about getting high, or prolonged indulgence in sense pleasures. While enjoying our senses in a balanced way helps us touch the experience of joy, ultimately joy comes from moving beyond our senses to a deeper experience of stillness and inner knowing. Once we touch this place, even momentarily, our lives are altered because we become aware of the vast resources of our intricately interwoven body, mind, and spirit in shaping the course of our lives. When we develop our capacity for joy, it lives within us like a wellspring of awareness that heightens our ability to be intimate with others without fear.
We are all born with a capacity for love and joy. Yet, many of us feel uneasy at the thought of seeking more joy in our lives. That is not surprising because we have been taught repeatedly that growth comes through struggle and suffering. Joy and happiness are suspect in our culture, often regarded as childlike, indulgence or immature. Our culture is focused on competition, control, activity, striving and productivity.
While you may not have been taught directly, that quietness or idleness are to be feared, it is an undercurrent that pervades our culture. An echo of the old phrase, "Idle brains are the devil's workshop" - still lingers in many people's minds, creating uneasiness, guilt or discomfort at the idea of relaxing or doing things solely for pleasure and delight. Yet, the journey to joy includes allowing ourselves time to do nothing, be idle and let our inner world be known. An idle mind helps us to slip beneath the activities of our daily lives into the quiet knowing place that resides in each of us, a place at once secure, peaceful and berant, self-respecting and unlikely to tolerate being exploited or harmed. Thus, becoming a joyful, happy person can feel like a crime against the powers that be, an act of arrogance or willfulness that is somehow wrong. But it is not wrong. An inner sense of joy is our spirit coming alive.
Joy is a source of personal power. Joy awakens as we open ourselves to the wonder of the universe, both inside and around us. We allow the expansive state where we accept our capacity to be both powerful and gentle. Joy leads us to the heart of our spiritual journey because it ignites the fire of transformation that enables us to change our thoughts, perceptions and feelings. In doing so, we are able to transcend an empty, humdrum existence and infuse our lives with vitality, awareness and the ability to move beyond the limited boundaries of self. Finding joy doesn't mean life will always be easy; rather, life becomes rich because we live near the pulse of possibility. To open the door, you can start by saying, "I am willing. I am willing to feel, to know, to love and to expand. I am willing to let the concrete walls of my beliefs slip away and more into a new level of awareness.