Being Self-CriticalMay 28, 2009![]() You are self-critical. You attack yourself for your perceived shortcomings. You are without compassion for yourself. Stop your cruelty. Your flaws and your failings are my concern. I can correct those defects of character that need correction. I can do so by grace as you gave over your temperament to me. There is no shortcoming that I cannot fulfill. I am your maker. I have the means to make you whole. Furthermore, I love you. It is my pleasure to bring you to fruition, but I believe in doing this through a gentle husbanding, not harsh coercion. When you reject yourself, you reject me also. When you accept yourself, you accept me and my care. I do not see you as flawed and sinful. I see you as evolving toward an ever more perfect whole. To Me, your weaknesses hold the potential for future strengths. I am unlimited potential. I am perfect growth, perfect realization of all that you can be. Come to me and ask me for help in your unfolding. Allow my grace to enter your character, moving your personality closer to the blueprint of its highest potential. Do not be discouraged by the ways in which you fall short. Every shortcoming is to Me, and opportunity for your growth. Posted by Wanda El Working With God...May 22, 2009![]() In order to work with God, we must assume that God can start right where we are, and not at some imaginary place we have to get to, in order to meet Him. God is not waiting to rendezvous with us once we have earned the right to His attention. God is waiting for us right now... just where we are.
Posted by Wanda El Rest In My Arms When You Fall AsleepApril 25, 2009![]() You fall asleep frightened. This hurts my heart. I long to comfort you. I long to hold you steady in my arms, cradled serene and safe. I want you to fall asleep laughing, to sleep with a smile on your lips. I will guard you while you rest. I will protect you as you dream. You do not need to be vigilant. I am your protector. I cherish you. The night holds no threat for me. I welcome its blackness and its calm. I planned the night. It is intended to comfort you. The stars watch over you as you sleep. The moon keeps an eye on you. You are not alone. You are well guarded. Allow me to meet you at nightfall. Tell me your day, before you sleep. Tell me the dreams you are harboring. Allow me to weave them while you rest. I am able to fulfill your dreams. I have miracles at my disposal. I am All Powerful, and too, I Am your friend. Come dream with me. Rest in my arms. Confide your secrets to me. Tell me of each day's journey. I listen with a lover's heart. I Am ready to hear all you have to say. Nothing you whisper is too small for me. Nothing you sigh is too large for me. I am your perfect partner. I am the safety that you yearn for, the harbor you fear you cannot find. Of course you can find me. I am with you always. I am a part of you as you are a part of me. Can you see that we are One? Posted by Wanda El Bringing Heaven To EarthApril 24, 2009![]() Jesus, the Christ, would not have instructed his twelve disciples to pray a prayer that would be ludicrous or impossible to do. Everything that Jesus was telling his disciples had divine guidance and direction and there was rime and reason to it all. So, this important teaching that you refer to as “The Lord’s prayer”, and how Jesus taught his disciples to pray that my “Will be done on earth as it is in heaven”, is doable and completely possible. But, I hear you all in your natural state, the state of being completely human, that it is impossible. Remember, what was said again by Jesus the Christ…”What is impossible to man (in his/her natural state) is possible with God”. This prayer then almost seems to the casual observer that God is going to do it…and you will have no part in this. WRONG…WRONG…WRONG. I hope I got your attention with the last three words spoken. No, it cannot be done by me…and it cannot be done by you! It must be done with us in partnership my child. All of my beloveds must make this a prayer and put wings to their prayers in the form of Godly action and right mindedness. I will explain this to you what these are and how they can be incorporated into your earthly experience so that they become a reality in your earthly experience. Just remember…God would never ask you or have you pray something that could not be accomplished. I could not ask you to bring heaven to earth, or to fulfill my will upon this earth without it being a reality in my own mind. You see, I already see it accomplished. I see it as finished. In my minds eye it is a reality already. Now, all I ask is that you would begin to see it as your own reality. Can we work together on this my beloved? Unfortunately, you have been taught wrong my children, thus the lesson today. You have been taught most of your life that God must do it. I hear you saying to me… “When the roll is called up yonder I’ll be there”. Or, I hear you saying… “When I die I will then be like God and it will be heaven for me”. I also hear you saying… “When Jesus the Messiah comes back to this earth the second time he will make all things right…It will be paradise, and heaven on earth then”. If you are waiting…QUIT! I am waiting on you! So, now that you know the real truth about your existence on this earth, let’s come up with some viable answers to your earthly dilemma…Okay? Wonderful. I want you to know that I put this earth into your hands at creation. Did you notice I gave you five senses so that you could navigate this planet? I also made you what you refer to as a “sentient” being, one that had feelings and one that could reason, and I gave you a brain so you could do critical thinking with. This was all for divine purpose and placed you in the front line of all my earthly creation. You were to take dominion as the scriptures said over all my earthly creation. Notice, I did not take the control when it came to earthly affairs. I have never had control. You have always as human beings and the front line of my creation, had all the control. This is not what you have been taught in most cases my beloved. Now that you know who is in charge of this planet, you can now begin to take full responsibility for its existence, and for bringing to this earth…heaven. I hear you praying, and I love to hear you my beloved, but I hear you praying amiss. You have been following a false teaching. The teaching is false, because it is not true . It is not in divine alignment with me or my universal laws that are in perfect unity. Something is amiss when the prayer never gets answered! The universe, me, always says yes, I do not understand the word no. I only understand yes. So, why am I not answering your prayers my child? Because you pray amiss. Your prayers, the majority of them are in another “ballpark” as you would say. I can’t answer them because I cannot hear them. I know this seems to be a dark saying, or obscure to you. Just stay with me here for a minute and you will understand completely. It will be made clear to you. I am not a God that jokes with my will or purposes for you or your earthly plane. I am serious about this. Yes, I hear everyone of your prayers, not one of them “falls to the ground” unheard. They don’t line up with me. They are not in divine alignment with what I have already declared as truth. When you pray amiss, it is exactly what it says…you miss my divine alignment…and so you miss me. I cannot answer this prayer. It misses the mark as you would say…it is said in misalignment with the laws of the universe…which I have placed as immutable. So, you say what are prayers that hit the target, that are indeed answered by me? The ones that are in alignment my child. This is why Jesus again instructed his disciples to pray that “my will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. Because my will, my desire, my divine alignment will happen whether you all participate in this alignment or not. This does not mean that I don’t want your participation or need it. Yes, I do want and need it. In my minds eye it is already finished. The question to you is… “Who is going to help me build this Ark”? Will it be you, or someone else who is more willing to partner with me? You are the deciding factor my child…only you! All it takes is one who is fully surrendered to my will and is willing to do all to complete my divine projects. And yes, mankind and the earth that you live and dwell in is my divine project. Will you help me my child build the Ark? You say, what Ark? is God going to consume the world again? Am I to store food for my family? Am I to gather the creatures of the earth for this Ark? No, my child. The Ark is God’s structure and perfect balance for this earth; it is bringing heaven to the earth…that is my Ark. I am asking you to build it together with my divine plan. Together, we can bring heaven on earth. Do you believe this? Believe it. I want each and every one of you sentient beings, you human beings that are really divinity in a human body, to help me build this structure. Are you ready? Are you willing? If so, let’s start on the premise that you know that you are the one to master the earth. Only you, the individual, and the collective, you are responsible for what you are seeing on this earthly plane. Quit relegating all your responsibility to your governments and government programs my children. Governments are helpful, but not essential to your well being. Only you are responsible. Governments and legislators are made up of you. Does this seem like an overwhelming task to you all? You sure stood in line for it when I showed you the plan before you got here. You all shouted “hurray we can do it”. Nothing will be impossible to us. We have the hologram of the divine within us. We will have our challenges but nothing will be impossible to us if we come into divine alignment with the blueprint of God. Let’s go build it. Let’s make this heaven upon earth. We have been to heaven and seen heaven, now let’s take this wasteland of earth and make it a paradise. That is what I heard you all say about this divine experiment. No, it was not and is not a cosmic joke. You are all here for divine reason. Now, come into this assignment and tackle it my children. I am your greatest cheerleader in heaven for you. My blueprint is in you all...just allow your inner guidance to take you there. Don’t let any human who thinks otherwise dissuade you of your divine mission. Together we make a great team. Don’t try to do my job, you will fail, and neither can I accomplish yours. Do you understand this my beloved? For your sakes and the sake of your lineage, and all humanity- I hope so. So, how do we start? How is this building of the Ark going to take place? Know that you have created already many mis-alignments in your earthly existence. These mis-alignments or mis-creations as I call them can all be corrected. You must correct the mis-alignments. Ask yourself, what are the misalignments that are keeping my earth from becoming the paradise or dwelling place of God? That is the first question you must ask yourselves. Then ask me too…What needs to be re-created and aligned properly? What is out of place? Think critically about this my child. Pray to me to give you divine insight…that is my job. Do your job, and I will do mine. Your job is to think honestly about how things are now, and if they really are in divine alignment. My job is to assist you in completing the vision of this building…making heaven on earth. Let’s start with the supposition that you have created your reality that you see upon this earth, Okay? Let’s start with the supposition that from this day forward you will take full responsibility for all you see, whether in your mind good or bad, Okay? Great. Just by doing this my child, just this one thing of taking full responsibility for all that happens on this earth, is the first and right step in my direction…The direction of divinity and alignment. I take full responsibility for heaven, now it is time for you to take full responsibility for your planet. Now, let’s start with your world…maybe you and your family. So many are focusing on bigger problems that they see in their world, and forget about what is happening at their own home or family…let alone their own life. This is another mis-alignment, or mis-creation that has been made. You are a microcosm of the macrocosm. In other words, if you fix the world, and yourself that you live in and everyone else does the same…the world in essence will be healed and at a place where heaven can be on earth. So, if you think you are going to fix the “bigger” world out there first, you are mistaken. You must fix yourself first. This is going to sound very selfish for most of you that have been taught to take care of others first. No, it must start with you first my child. Remember what Jesus himself said… “To love thy neighbor as thyself”. You must start with you first before you can heal thy neighbor. Do you see this my child? Yes, God I do. Okay. So, let’s start with you…Okay? Yes, God. Look at yourself Scott and ask yourself is your life all what you want it to be…are you personally experiencing heaven on earth? Sometimes I experience heaven on earth God. When do you experience this my child? When I go within and meditate and pray. Good, start with going within. This will be your key for causing heaven on earth. But, God, I cannot pray and meditate all hours of my day. I have work to do to provide for me and my family. Yes, and…? Well, I feel great when I take the time to go within. This has been the best year and a half of my entire life when it comes to cultivating this inner being that I am. I have a hard time balancing between this awesome relationship we are having, and it is still difficult for this inward life to infiltrate, and then to flow out and become a reality in my outer world. Why my son? It still feels awkward to me. How is it awkward to you? It doesn’t feel that natural for me yet. What would it feel like if it were natural to you my child? I don’t know completely but it still seems awkward like I am straddling between heaven and earth, and at times I am wholly into one and neglecting the other, and other times I am engrossed completely into the heavenlies at the expense of my earthly existence. Yes and what is the answer to your challenge? I am still trying to work that out in my daily life God. It seems like a delicate balancing act to me…one I have not mastered yet. Okay, good. How will you know once you have mastered it my child? I guess I will feel more balanced in both dimensions. Right now, I am cultivating the inner dimension and working on subjects like: Who you are, and who I am. Do you know this now my child? Yes, I know it…at least in my own thinking I am getting there. Okay, good. What else is needed for you to feel this balance my son? I am not sure. Any suggestions God? Yes, I am glad you have asked my precious child. The reason you are not feeling fully comfortable with juggling both dimensions is because nothing you ever do in life or in your experience in life will feel comfortable for you at first. Okay. In other words, Scott, do you remember when you first learned to ride your first bike in this existence? Yes, I do God. What was this experience like for you? It was difficult at first. Can you explain or elaborate on this difficulty my child? Yes, my dad first started me out with training wheels which attached to the bicycle. This helped me balance. Okay, good. Did you ever fall over even though the training wheels were in place? Yes, a couple of times. When you fell down, did you get discouraged and tell your dad that you didn’t want to learn to ride a bike after all? No. Well why not? Falling is not good is it? Falling hurts. So why didn’t you quit my son? Because I saw others riding bikes and they were okay with the trial and error of learning, and I thought I can do it too. Great. So, when you fell what did you do? I got back up and rode again until I learned to balance myself. Wonderful. And eventually this happened did it not? Yes, God, eventually it did happen. And, I bet you had a wonderful time riding a bike after you learned this balance did you not? Yes I did God. I loved riding my bike, of course, unless I got careless and crashed it or hurt myself. Then I assume that even though you were pretty good at bicycle riding every now and then you would mess up and wreck your bike right? Yes, more than once. So, even though you might have damaged yourself from time to time was it worth it my son? Yes, of course. Okay…I am saying all this because it is bringing home a lesson for you that needs to be learned. You told me that the balancing act between your inner life of Spirit and outer life on your planet is like straddling between two worlds…did you not? Yes, in more or less words. Okay, I gave you the bicycle illustration to prove to you that even though initially it was an awkward event for you to learn how to balance on your bicycle you eventually mastered it…right? Yes, right. So, are there other things as an adult you learned in life that might have started out awkward and off balance to you that later on you eventually mastered? Yes, God there were many things. Okay. So, I am sure even though you have a lot of experience in life now as an adult you still face challenges from time to time, and with these challenges, and with time and patience on your part you eventually mastered them. In fact, I bet you got to the point with some of your initial challenges that you could do these things in your sleep if you wanted to. Well, yes…maybe. So, what am I saying to you? What I am hearing from you God is that starting on my inward life of Spirit is important and necessary, and initially it seems like a delicate balancing act, but if I stay with it with time and patience I can eventually master whatever I want? Beautiful my son, I could not have said it more accurately. You nailed it. Okay, but that does not make it easier for me. Yes, I know. What does it take other than time and patience my child? It takes faith…it takes trust. Yes and where do these qualities and characteristics come from my child? They come direct from you God. Yes, direct from me is right. Can you manufacture them Scott? No, I have tried before and I don’t have the power to manufacture anything that resembles you God. Good, I am glad that you have learned this my son. So, it is important when it comes to these Godly characteristics to ask God for them right? Yes, I think so. Yes, it is so. Remember, this is a partnership between you and me. You cannot do my work, and neither can I do yours. Fair enough? Yes…fair enough. So, when you lack heavenly resources what are you going to do my son? Ask you for help. Good, you are a great learner. I try. Yes you do try and that’s very important in life isn’t it? Yes, God it is. Trying will get you there, persistence and patience will temper you, and in time if you keep at it…you will master it. That’s what Jesus my beloved did too. He started with going within to the inner world of Spirit while juggling the inner world with the outer world. He kept at it and was patient and persistent…he did not give up…and eventually he mastered it. He became a master. So, can you? Yes, God but I was taught that Jesus had a specialness about him that gave him an edge over me? Yes and what was this specialness you are referring to. Divinity in a body. God with him…Emmanuel. Yes and why does that give him an edge over you? Because he was God! I am human. No, my son, again this is misinformation about his so called divinity you learned from others as it was passed down through the church fathers and leaders of the Christian religion. I have told you that Jesus the Christ was just like you. He had a human birth, not a virgin birth as you have been told by the religious. He was just like you Scott. Did he have a big contract to fulfill? Yes, but Scott, so do you. I do? Yes, you do my beloved. You came here to complete it to…and with my help and direction and your partnership we can get it done. How does that sound my son? It sounds great. So, Jesus was human, but he knew something that most don’t know. What is that? He knew that I dwelled in temples not made with hands…I dwell in the human temple you call the body. Jesus knew that deeply he was divinity housed in an earthly temple. He knew this even though it was not the common teaching of his day with the rabbis and the teachers of the law. They didn’t know it. They thought, at least most of them, that they were merely a body that was placed on this earth for some reason. That is all they knew. They didn’t realize that divinity was them in a body…Jesus did. This is part of the piece of the mystery of who I am. It is really not a mystery if you will but go within and find this out from Spirit. So, this being the case Jesus really had no advantage over you. He mastered his inner world which caused him to master his outer world. You must do the same my child. How do I master my inner world God? Good question. I know it is. I need to know. Let’s start out simply Okay? I am all about simplicity God. Okay. Shall we start with the creation mechanism? Sure, what is that? It is called your thoughts. My thoughts? Yes, your thoughts. Okay. What about my thoughts? You tell me. I never really linked creation to my thoughts. And why not? I don’t know for sure…I was never really taught that my thoughts really mattered that much. That is another issue I have with most of the church leaders and religious of your day. They don’t teach you that you are a creator, they relegate all creation to me instead, and they subsequently don’t teach you how to create. Yes, I think you are right. Yes, I am right. So, what is there to learn about thoughts and creation God? Everything. Okay, like what? Thoughts are the wheel of creation that gets things moving for you in one direction or the other. Okay. I say this because most are creating their world as they see it by their thoughts and many are not really conscious of them like they should be. Why not? Because they are not taught about this wheel of creation. It all starts with a thought Scott. All my creation started with my thought. All your creation starts with your thoughts too. God there are a lot of thoughts that come into my mind that I am not too happy about. Okay, like what? Well, sometimes I don’t always think well of others who are unkind to me or that are selfish in my mind and so I think negative about them. Good, thanks for being honest enough to admit this my son. This is another important thing to know about you and me…everything must be exposed, and nothing hid from each other. Hiding things from me is ludicrous, absurd. Come out and fess up to truth and this will enable you to come to the light. Again, this is what Jesus was referring to all the time when he spoke. The truth will set you free! Light dispels all darkness. Ask yourself if you are pure light like me? Ask yourself the tough questions you have been avoiding about yourself and this life of yours you are living. Is it really working for you my children? If not it can. And it will…if you are but gut honest. This gut wrenching truth will do it every time for you. It will dispel all of your darkness. The light always wins over darkness. It is the human nature, or the ego-mind that tells you different. The mind will tell you to not expose yourself to anyone or anything…especially to God. How ridiculous of a thought is this? So, start your inward journey, your inward life, with gut honest truth about you and where you are. Start with asking the tough questions about yourself and how your world is really working…or not working out for you. Many of you are so busy chasing the almighty dollar that you don’t even have time to do this inner work of Spirit…and you wonder why you are spiritually inept and bereft. If you don’t go within, you will go without! Your spiritual life of going within is of utmost importance to you my child. You cannot let it be on the “back burner” as you would say. Put it on your priority list, and start putting your life of Spirit, your inner life on the “front burner”. Then, start being more aware of your inward thoughts…especially about yourselves. You create your entire life as you see it now with these very thoughts. If you do not think so…think again. You do. If you think something, or if something comes into your mind that you don’t like or want to experience, just change it. That is the essence of what Jesus the Christ spoke of when he referred to the word repentance. Repentance is not what you have been taught about by your religious leaders. Repentance is the changing of one’s mind to conform to the mind of God. This is divine alignment my son. It starts with your inner thought life…this is the creation wheel that will produce without a doubt. So, true repentance starts with knowing what you are thinking, and creating, and changing these thoughts if they are not producing what you want for them to produce. What about producing more of what heaven is and like? What do you think heaven is made up of? Good question. I know it is…but what do you really think heaven is made up of? Angels, and deceased loved ones, maybe a few harps and clouds…I really don’t know God. What are you driving at? Okay, let me cut to the chase as you would say…heaven is about God, which is pure, undefiled, holy, righteous and unconditional love. That is the essence of heaven. So, if you want more of heaven on earth you must create this reality first in your thought life. How is that done God? Just the same way you are creating now Scott. You are creating in every minute of your existence. If you constantly dwell on the negative of life, and feed upon it, the law of Karma or the law of sowing and reaping engages the wheel of creation for you. If you are constantly complaining of your life and how it is, or better put, how it is not, you need to change your creation by changing your thoughts, or your mind, if you will. If you think everyone is evil, you will create this reality in your life and your world. You have said that if something does not work again and again, it is nothing but the meaning of insanity. So, why don’t you believe this for your thoughts my beloved? If your thoughts, which are the wheel of all creation, are not producing for you… change them. This might sound overly simple and rudimentary to you, but it is that simple. Change your thoughts and change your world. Start this process with your own thoughts. If you mis-create, like the younger you that fell off the bicycle while trying to learn, just get back to it and start changing your thoughts. Don’t quit, because it seems like a balancing act to you…with time, patience, and persistence you can master your thoughts. At first it will seem the contrary to you, it will seem like a lot of work just watching your thoughts. In time, you will be able to watch you thoughts more carefully and the minute you see yourself mis-creating you can change your mis-creation, by merely changing your thoughts. The church or religious don’t want you to really know this because this will empower you and they don’t want you to be fully empowered, because then you won’t need them as much. This is the truth. Beloved, if your religious leaders who have taught you since you were children really knew about me, they would have told you these truths by now. Don’t let the blind lead the blind…empower yourself. This is what a true teacher does for you…they don’t keep you at their “nipple”; so to speak…they teach you how to find food yourself. This is the mark of a true spiritual leader. Look for these kinds of teachers my children, and more importantly look to the teacher within…he/she…your inward self and the God within will lead and direct your lives into perfect harmony and peace. So, my child, start with the pure love of God…the kind of love that is really un-conditional in nature…as that is my nature within your temple of clay and dirt. Don’t confuse the unconditional love again for what you have been taught about it. Most will not teach about un-conditional love because they have not experienced it. They have only experienced conditional love which is taught by your religious leaders…at least most of them. My love and yours should be and can be without condition. You Scott must operate in this realm if you are to see my heaven actualized and experienced on your earth. This is really your answer to heaven on earth. It is that simple…treat everyone with this unconditional love. If you don’t know, or this love has never been modeled to you…ask me and I will show you how to operate your lives with it. This will take your will to engage with this love in order for you to begin to operate in true , unconditional love. All you have to do is ask me and get ready to activate your will in surrender to this love, and divine alignment will unfold for you. This love, this un-conditional love must first start again with yourself. Don’t start with others until you believe it with every fiber of your soul and being. Until you are convinced without a shadow of a doubt that I love you un-conditionally, you will never be able to transmute this divine love to others. Start with loving un-conditionally yourself. If you are angry at your behavior or actions, you do not love yourself. Again, this sounds very selfish to the initiate, or the beginner. You have been taught all your life to love with “strings” attached. That if you do this, then I will do that…tit for tat…tit for tat. That is not what Jesus spoke of…he told you and demonstrated what love looks like…read about his life and you will see. Don’t use the excuse he was the son of God…for so are all of you my sonship. He did not have the ‘edge” over you…he just applied what his inner life saw of the Father and transmuted this to all of you. He is your elder brother, not you savior. He did not come to save you, you are saved eternally. He came to teach you about true love. The religious of his day showed the phony love. They were hypocrites as Jesus said. They were good actors. Jesus said to them time and time again, that they focused too much on the outward, and not enough on the inward life of Spirit, and this infuriated them to the point that they wanted to do away with him. Some kind of love they demonstrated? This is the phony type of love man or the religious might give you. If it is convenient to give this love, they give it, and if not, they don’t give it. Sounds again like conditional love to me…how about to you? Yes, it sounds familiar that’s for sure. Scott, do you think Master Jesus, taught phony love? No, he taught the real thing. Scott, and if you teach the real thing you can expect what Jesus got. Death? Maybe, hopefully your society and culture have more going for them than his did. But Scott, even if it means your earthly demise, it is only temporal is it not? Yes, easy for you to say God. Yes, that might be true my son, but remember, I will never allow more than you can take. You choose in every moment what you want. Just know that if you follow Spirit, and exchange your earthly life for the inner life of Spirit you will experience this eternal life that Jesus spoke of. Yes, I know. Good. Whatever happens to the shell of who you might think you are can be replaced. Easy again for you to say. Yes, it is. Some day, with time, patience, and persistence, you will say the same my beloved. I love you my child…teach this to your brothers and sisters…know that they want to hear it…they have seen too much of the illusions of religion…they are ready for the gut wrenching truth. They want to know me. Love, God Posted by Wanda El Commit To Me...April 17, 2009![]() You are afraid to commit. You cling to half measures. You blame Me for your life but refuse to allow me to alter it. Bring Me your whole heart. Open your life to Me without reservations. Allow Me the freedom to act on your behalf. I am the Source of your good. Allow Me to flow freely into your life. Give Me all of you. Allow Me to act in all areas of your life. There is no arena in which I cannot bring change for the better. I Am an energy of improvement. At all times, in all places, I work to bring about an improvement of conditions. Allow Me to perfect your life. Ask that every cranny and nook of your experience be brought into alignment with My Will for you. Seek to know My Will for you and, and to cooperate with that will's unfolding. I promise you the betterment of your life. As you commit to Me, you commit to yourself, to your highest good. There is no contradiction between My desires for you and your own highest good. Seek to know yourself in Me. Allow Me to expand your thinking and enlarge your scope of action. I have a large plan for you. I am completely committed to your well-being. As you align your will with Mine, your life is made whole and perfect. Commit to your highest destiny and allow Me to act. Give Me your all. Posted by Wanda El God Speaks...April 15, 2009![]() You do not feel worthy of knowing me. You are not "spiritual," you say. Let us begin at the beginning. No matter how you deny it, you are spiritual. That is your true nature. You are a part of Me, and I am a part of you. There is one power flowing through all of life, and we are that power. As you open your mind to the fact that we are already connected, our connection deepens. I am your friend. I intend you nothing but good. As you open your heart to the love in our connection, our blood strengthens. You may be humble, yet you are spiritual in nature. You do not need to become something you are not. I love and accept you exactly as you are. It is easy to get to know me. Begin as you would greet anyone, with a simple "hello." If you greet Me and then listen, you will feel a response. This is how I speak to you; this is why they call it the still, small voice. I speak gently and quietly, but you can hear Me. You can feel Our connection. I do touch your soul. Do not worry about being worthy of knowing me. I am your maker and I make nothing that is not of the highest worth. I value you. I esteem you. I love you. Use my opinion to measure yourself. Come to me and feel your true nature. Posted by Wanda El The Voice of GodApril 13, 2009![]() You long for a more spiritual life, but you tell yourself that is too difficult. You pretend I am distant and hard to reach. You pretend I make harsh terms with you. Stop your pretending. Do not believe in God as told to you by the authorities. Come to me on your own terms instead. Simply say, "hello" and your conversation can begin. I want to walk with you as friends walk. I want to be casual and intimate. I want us to share secrets. I will begin with a secret of mine: I love you. I have loved you since the beginning of time. I have always seen myself as coming to join you. I am ready to listen to your heart. Please begin to talk to me. You can start anywhere... with your joys or with your sorrows. I have ears for every part of you. You say you do not know where to begin. I say to you, "quit stalling." Start with "good morning." And it is a good morning any day that you make contact with me. Ask me to shape your day, to touch your consciousness with the recognition of possibility. All things are good and can be made anew. I am the water you long to drink. I am the food you hunger for. I am the full meal that nourishes and nurtures you. Let us break bread. Posted by Wanda El The Living Hold... let them goApril 5, 2009![]() When
people say that you have to learn to let go, they mean it. Literally. When someone passes, we as humans have a tenancy to cling to what was rather than what it. Death is an odd, and more often difficult, concept to grasp despite experience or belief. Often earthbound spirits will stay until they feel that their loved ones have come to terms with their death and/or moved on, thus freeing them to do the same ... but the "Living Hold." The Living Hold describe situations where the living become obsessed with the deceased, going beyond what is seen as the general terms of grieving. You have to remember that these earthbound souls are human spirits, with emotion and empathy; they are not going to want to abandon their loved ones if they do not feel it is right to do so, nor if their loved ones can not learn to let go. The Reality is... Earthbound Spirits deserve to move on... Let them go. Posted by Wanda El As A Matter of Fact...March 31, 2009"As a matter of fact, over God's desk are two plaques. One says, "God forgets everything you remember and God remembers everything you forget." ... and the other says "Don't feel totally, eternally, irrevocably responsible for everything. That's my job." - God
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