One of the most important questions that people ask themselves is, "Why am I here?"
They wonder what their purpose is for being on this planet. There are as many answers to that question as there are individuals who ask it. Everyone has innate gifts and abilities that can provide service to mankind. Don't make answering this question a struggle.
Finding your mission can be as easy as following your heart, developing your talents and doing what comes naturally. There are many aspects of our lives on earth that shape and mold us on different levels. We learn from relationships, the environment, our livelihoods, and universal laws.
Your soul chose to incarnate here in order to experience diversity and evolution. Earth is a place where you encounter duality - hot and cold, up and down, good and bad. Although these perceptions are not real in Truth, they provide a training ground for self-discovery. Sometimes, the quickest way to discover who you are is to experience who you are not. Through overcoming the challenges presented to us in our everyday activities, we tap into our inner resources of Divine intelligence and power.
You are here to realize your full potential and to help others do the same. It is possible to eliminate limitations and negative emotions in order to have a direct relationship with the Source. This connection is always available to us.
We only need to remove the blocks and obstacles we have placed in front of our vision. As you look around you, it seems that there is much to heal in your world. There is a lot of work to do. Healing is not a quest for the faint of heart. It will take dedication and a readiness to live in a different way. You will need to make spiritual growth a top priority.
People on earth invest a lot of energy into obligations, commitments, and responsibilities. Who is creating these obligations? Is it your ego self or your higher self? Busyness and excessive activities may keep you distracted from going within and connecting with your true purpose or "soul contracts." You don't really have to worry about finding your life mission, because it will find you.
People and circumstances are drawn to you so that you might work through your karmic lessons and have opportunities to extend love. You will be guided to situations that will enable you to accomplish the work you were sent here to do.
Wishing for things to take place in a certain manner needs to be accompanied by action. Too frequently, people get lost in study and contemplation, yet do little on the earthly plane to bring their goals into manifestation. Bringing forth channeled information is one way to take action and create a wealth of information that will be useful to yourself and others.
Your purpose on Earth is to find ways to express love and exchange energy for the ascension of mankind.

As you meet each person in your daily activities, remember that it is a holy encounter.

As you meet each person in your daily activities, remember that it is a holy encounter.
We see our inner selves reflected by those around us. If you find yourself in a situation that is unsettling, go within to regain your balance and shift your perceptions. Give your blessings in the "teachers" you see all around you. You are all here to help each other evolve. There are souls who have completed their missions on earth and who exist in the spiritual realms. They are ready to assist those who are still on the planet. I dwell on the causal plane with others who are doing work to uplift and heal mankind. We see more clearly on this side of the veil and know that evolution is taking place at a rapid pace.
I have incarnated many times and I understand the dynamics of the human experience.
While living in your world, the Master Jesus saw the Divine spark within everyone. In doing so, He created miracles and each person's fears, doubts, illnesses and illusions fell away instantly. Take a moment to look in the mirror and see yourself through God's eyes. Imagine the faults and imperfections just falling away. Energy follows intention. This is not a game of "pretend"; this is a game of "being real." The more you learn to direct your thoughts, imagination and creativity in positive ways, the more you will see your dreams coming true and your soul's purpose becoming clear.
You have developed a strong conduit for bringing spiritual information and healing to the planet. When you ask for assistance, it will be provided. Your guides will not invade your personal energy field. You are in control of these communications and we are here to help when called upon. With practice, you will be able to maintain the channel effortlessly. You will receive guidance from your Higher Self and you will know what to do next. Take action today to manifest the life you desire.
Sometimes we find our purpose after years of searching. Sometimes the Universe gets our attention quickly. Let go of external judgments about your life situation and pay more attention to how it feels. You can have all the trappings of success but still remain unfulfilled. Finding "mission" shouldn't be difficult. Life has a way of unfolding and guiding you into the right place at the right time.
It is true that many of us take painful detours along the way, but we can always get back on track. If you are at peace with yourself, you are probably headed in the right direction. If you are depressed or miserable, examine your life for the root cause of your problems and take action to make changes. Don't be too hard on yourself in the process. You might not think that you are fulfilling your purpose because your life is not glamorous or eventful. We each have to take the necessary steps to prepare ourselves for our unique path.
Discovering your purpose is facilitated by self-exploration. Realize what parts of yourself are in need of healing. Find out what gifts and abilities you have that will help others. By exploring various aspects of your life, you start to create the life that is perfect for you. In what ways can you follow your heart to create adventure, celebration, clarity, release and transformation? Your purpose will begin to take shape as you bring these various aspects into focus and create a holistic experience designed especially for you.
I think we are here on this planet in order to more fully understand who we are. Through limitations and challenges, we can experience who we are not. When we rise above difficulties, we remember who we are as powerful spiritual beings. We live in a world of seeming duality but this illusion falls away as we dig deeper. We will find love and perfection underneath any block to God's presence. When everything we do honors universal principles, life, and love... it is impossible to fail in our purpose. The final aspect of this process is to help others do the same.
Jesus the Christ overcame the limitations of this world and taught that anyone could do what he did. He had mastered many spiritual gifts, including healing and clairvoyance. I know that I am responsible for my own life, choices, and growth. We are all teachers and students, helping each other to remember our true selves. There is a saying that you will "get to heaven by holding the hand of the person behind you." When we eliminate beliefs in separation and understand that what we do for others, we do for ourselves, we make great strides toward finding our purpose.
Mother-Father God, my divine purpose is becoming clear to me.
I encounter the perfect people and situations along my journey that enable me to fulfill my mission.
I am willing to take Spirit-directed action in order to bring healing and love to the world.
I am grateful for my spiritual guides and helpers that assist me along the way.
My goal is to reunite with my Source and create haven on earth.
I accept the abundant flow of love that carries me toward my goal.
And so it is...