My Purpose, Our Purpose

July 3, 2009

I believe I am here to know myself both as Divine and as Human. 

Part of my Soul Agreement is to join these two seeming opposites. That is, to embrace my "humanity," my egoic experience, while bringing my Divinity to my humanity. My purpose is to create heaven on earth in my world through my Love.

I have a purpose both at the level of my humanity, or egoic level, and at the level of my Divine Consciousness. My ego, I know, is the "Doorway to my Illumination." So at the egoic level, my purpose is to experience myself fully as human.

That is...  to embrace my egoic experience, the polarities, the full spectrum of what is offered to me in human form. This includes all feelings, thoughts, and experiences, whether positive or negative, as well as my physicality.

I want to experience my humanity, transforming energies that are less than Love into Love, which everything truly is. I am committed to "the work."  I take full responsibility for consciously changing my own stuff, (my unfinished mommy/daddy business). In so doing, I raise the vibration of my human experience from the mundane into the sacred through my Consciousness and Love. I do this for myself and all humanity.

At the level of my Divine Consciousness, my purpose is to Awaken. That is, to Awaken to Truth of my Being as God... as Love. 

~ This means, I come to know myself fully as an individuated expression of God, which I am. ~

~ I am here to allow Love to flow through me. ~

I believe I can live at this level of purpose in all areas of my life as I embrace my experience as ego with my experience as Divine Being.

The choices I make are in alignment with this Love. As I live my life in alignment with my purpose, I choose Love in each moment.  Every word, feeling, thought, and action comes from Love. I bring all my Love to everything I am and everything I do. This means showing up and being lovingly present no matter what it looks like out there or inside myself.

Essential to living my purpose is, first and foremost, Self-Love.  Only when I Love myself can I bring my Love to everyone and everything. As I Awaken to the Truth of myself as God, as Love, and knowing everything is God is Love, I bring this to my egoic experience.

I begin my day by focusing on my purpose of bringing all my Love to my humanity and to all humanity. In every role, whether teacher, friend, pet caregiver, daughter, or sister, I show up as Love without attachment to any outcome. As I bring my Divinity to my humanity, my ego releases its need to control, manipulate, protect, defend, judge, criticize..

I am in alignment with my purpose in all my bodies, (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual).  This allows me to fulfill my purpose as Love.

As I fully Awaken, knowing myself as God, fully aligned in my egoic experience, I can truly live my purpose of bringing all my Love to every moment. I flow with each moment because I live in a state of surrender and acceptance. I no longer have any need to control my life. I am free to live in the heaven on earth which I have created for myself and others.


Endless Emotion Peace...

June 25, 2009

Peaceful Calm...


Your Individuality...

June 20, 2009

"You explained that the soul needs the body. I understand that the soul is the one that is in union with God. Will we retain our individuality or shall we lose our individuality when we realize that union with God?"

God does not want us to discard our individuality, but ordinary individuality and real, divine individuality are two different things. God Himself is, at the same time, One and many. He has produced infinite human beings, human souls. He is One, but in the field of manifestation He has become many. He has selected each person as His chosen instrument, that is to say, each human soul is His chosen instrument.

This kind of divine individuality which God has given to us is not the ordinary individuality which is determined by the ego: "I am this, you are that." God's individuality is a unique manifestation of His reality. There is no clash, there is no jealousy, there is no fight, no battle. God Himself is manifesting Himself in a unique manner in you, in me and in others. That kind of individuality, different from the individuality of the ego, God retains for humanity. It is a unique expression of the Divine in His multiplicity. Each one is a chosen instrument of God, but without ego, without pride, without vanity. It is just like the petals of a lotus; each petal has its own beauty and its own uniqueness.


How To Reach Heaven...

June 15, 2009

The subjective or emotional self is the best of servants but the worst of masters

All the evil in the world results from transposing authority from objective to subjective, from letting emotion run away with conscience and reason.

All unpleasant reactions are due to the waste of energy which results from this transposition of authority.

The emotional or subjective self is the storehouse of personal power; the objective self is the director of that power. Happy results come from intelligent use of power.

To give unbridled rein to the emotional self is like turning on the power of an automobile and then lying back and laughing—or weeping—whilst the auto runs its pace and kills or maims what comes in its way. The loud, hysterical giggle betrays that emotion is running away with the directing power, and that personal power is ebbing below the point of safety.

And the waste of power—the letting loose of more emotion than the occasion really calls for—is bound to produce its after effects of depression.

Depression of this sort is due to depletion of emotional energy, and disappears as the system recuperates—as more energy is stored.

Nearly all “blues” are caused by such reaction; energy is wasted in mental or physical agitation due to anger or fretting, or “righteous indignation,” or excess of sympathy, or “having a good time”; and then we wonder why we are so blue. We go off and have a “good cry,” which relaxes us, fall asleep after it, and wake up without the blues—and wonder why. More energy has been generated—that is all.

The secret of real enjoyment, of the kind from which there is no unpleasant reaction, lies in perfect control of the emotional nature; in so conserving your emotional power that it shall never be depleted beyond a certain definite point of poise, the point where there is plenty in well-controlled reserve.

When one first begins to find and maintain this state of poise he feels that he can never “have a good time” again—that he must repress all the fun and be glum and steady. But this is a mistaken idea, which will disappear as he gains control.

There are heights and depths and breadths of fun and joy which can never be touched except by the poised, controlled person. It takes emotional energy to enjoy, and the greater the store of energy the deeper the enjoyment, and the less of it is wasted in boisterous movements and noises.

One does not suppress his enjoyment of an incident; he suppresses unnecessary expressions of his enjoyment; and every such motion inhibited leaves him with that much more energy on hand with which to enjoy. In proportion as he ceases to slop his emotional power in loud laughs and unnecessary movements he deepens his power of enjoyment.

Laughs are on the surface; real enjoyment is in the deeps of being. It is the surface slopping one must suppress, the waste of power, that he may become conscious of the real depths of enjoyment.

Impulsiveness and nervousness are due to depleted emotional energy, and are invariably caused by letting the subjective, emotional self-rule. So much energy is wasted in unnecessary emotionalism that there is not enough left to enjoy with—there are no depths. There comes to be a habitual waste of emotion over the most trivial things, and there is no reserve for the greater things which occasionally come. All due to excessive expression of emotion. People who have not learned to control their expressions of emotion have never even tasted full enjoyment.

The one cure for nervousness, impulsiveness, boisterous emotionalism of all sorts is to be still; cut off all unnecessary waste and let the reservoirs fill.

There are two kinds of “lively dispositions.” One is the result of hysterical slopping over of energy without regard to the fact that the reservoirs of personal power are dangerously near the point of utter depletion. This sort of liveliness often ends in tears, nearly always in depression.

The other sort of “lively disposition" is the surface expression of full reservoirs. One is like the slopping of water from a shallow bowl, by shaking the bowl; the other is like the rippling of a clear lake—the depths are clear, still and happy, whilst the surface answers brightly and without waste, to the passing breezes of fun. The bowl of water is exhausted by its expressions of fun; the clear lake enjoys its ripples of laughter without wasting itself.

The larger the lake the larger the waves. The same breeze which causes a pond to ripple will cause Lake Michigan to toss in white-capped glee. The greater the length, breadth and depth, the greater the waves; the greater the personal reservoir of emotional power; the bigger the laugh of which it is capable.

The loud laugh sometimes betrays the vacant mind and reservoirs; sometimes it betrays wide and deep and full ones; and by its ring the hearer can tell which. Who has not rippled in response to the musical, full, contagious loud laugh? And cringed at the sharp, hysterical loud laugh?

The musical laugh loud or soft, invariably indicates well stored reservoirs of emotional power and rea1 enjoyment. The shrill unmusical laugh, the nervous laugh, loud or soft, invariably means nervous or emotional depletion, shallow reservoirs, and shallow enjoyment or none at all.

Musical and unmusical speaking voices are other indications of these states of personal power. Smooth, graceful, intelligent gesticulations are yet other indications of full reservoirs; rough, jerky unnecessary motions indicating depletion.

The curtailing of wasteful laughs and motions is one of the most important things in life. Emotion is soul force, that which accomplishes all the great things of life as well as all the little things.

Every human being has access to unlimited soul force, which is constantly flowing into him from the Universal Reservoir. But if he uses it as fast as it flows in—uses it in overdoing the small and least necessary things of life,—he has no power for the greater things every soul longs to do.

How much power would the world get from the Niagara River if it were not for the great natural dam and reserve power at the falls? If you would do the great things you must see that your energy is not wasted in a steady stream of little things.

Every movement, every thought, uses a definite amount of emotional energy. Every inhibition of a movement or thought stream permits the higher rising of your reservoir; just as every stone added to a dam increases the reservoir and power behind it.

There are enough good things to do and think in this beautiful world without dissipating our power in thoughtless activities, such as tapping our feet or fingers, rocking to and fro, giggling shrilly, and so on. Yes, we learn to do things by doing them; but do we want to do these useless things? Of course not. They are wasteful, unbeautiful.

And we can learn to stop them by stopping them; and have so much deeper power with which to do the useful, beautiful things. A half hour a day used in simply being still, will add almost incredibly to the depth of our reservoirs. And every time we remember to inhibit an unnecessary rock or tap or fidget we add another depth to our power. This is all easily proved by a little practice.

Our energy is soul power, which is also wisdom. As our energy deepens our wisdom deepens also, and our sense of humor deepens. Soul power is love and wisdom, the One and Only Substance of which the individual is an inlet—a small or large inlet according as he lets the energy run out fast, or conserves it for large uses; according as he lets it run, or dams it for personal use.

There is plenty of soul power for everything—yes. But it takes time to build a dam; and the man who lets loose his whole Niagara Falls of emotion upon trivial occasions will have to spend most of his time in patching his dam. And the man who dribbles all his power in thoughtless and useless acts has no power behind his Niagara.

Do you see that self-control is the key of heaven? And the time to use it is now, the place here.

“Earth’s crammed with heaven” waiting to be conserved to individual uses. Love, power, wisdom is flowing through you into expression—don’t let it flow too fast—don’t waste it in thoughtless, foolish expression.

Cut off the wastes; use the power in wise directions, and let the tide rise within you. Thus shall you come to the great things you would do, and behold within you shall be the power to do them with joy; and there shall be no aftermath of depression.

This is heaven—the highest heaven for the deepest soul. And the door is open for everybody.


On being Curious...

June 5, 2009

It is believed that curiosity can take basic activities and make them more interesting.

Everyone is curious to some degree. However, there are individual differences in how curious people are in terms of intensity, frequency, duration, and mindset. The words curiosity and interest are often used synonymously. They both initiate and sustain goal-directed behavior.

Recently, Todd Kashadan, a Positive Psychology professor at George Mason University published a new book, Curious? Discover the Missing Ingredient to a Fulfilling Life. He believes curiosity has been under valued as a strength and is committed to helping people realize its value. In addition, he believes it is an extremely effective "back-door" way to manage anxiety and conflict.

Research studies indicate cultivating curiosity:

- Decreases anxiety.
- Increases fulfillment in life.
- Improves performance in academics and work settings.
- Enriches relationships.
- Builds knowledge.
- Improves health.
- Resolves conflict in a potentially successful way.

To realize the benefits listed above, you need to practice being curious. This is done by:

- Embracing uncertainty rather than trying to control your world.
- Appreciating and seeking out new experiences.
- Being flexible and open to new ideas.
- Accepting the unknown.
- Stopping and paying attention to loved ones rather than taking them for granted.

Like all things, too much curiosity can have a dark side. You have to know how to balance your open, flexible mindset with a respect for other people so that you are focusing your curiosity in a positive direction.

If you have been looking for a way to make your life more meaningful and fulfilling, begin to practice being curious. Explore what is novel or different about something basic, perhaps a relationship or driving to work. Be open to new experiences. Listen to what others are saying so you understand the issue from their point of view. It does not mean you have to agree with them. It is about what you can learn about others, yourself, and the world.

To begin to practice being curious today, choose an area in your life where you feel bored. What can you say to yourself that will change your mindset to being curious - open, in a discovery mood? How does that change your experience? What can you learn or be surprised about?


Everything We Experience Has Been Planned

May 29, 2009

Each life is firmly set into place, regardless of the many directions it can take.  As you travel on a highway, there are other roads that intersect and diverge.  Your life is very much like this highway; you have one basic direction in which to travel.  But sometimes, there will be several roads to choose from... all of which will take you to your destination.

If you turn in one direction, you may end up in the desert.  So, regardless of the choices, you're still supposed to travel in one direction - your own road.  That doesn't mean you can't take a detour, which most of us do... or get lost, which most of do.  Most entities find their way back to the main highway.

Everything you'll experience is planned.  That's why there's so much counseling before you incarnate.  You not only scan your own life, but you also scan major influences around you.  Everyone does.  It becomes a gigantic network that you could never, ever fully absorb with your infinite mind.  The complexity of the many situations you'll encounter is mentally staggering.  Many people are involved and endless details must be implemented.

By coming into life, you essentially give up your free will.  Once you've planned the life, you'll stay upon that path.  Your free will operates "before" an incarnation.  Afterwards, you're just acting out your own destiny.  You're allowed to travel many different roads, but you must achieve your final goal.  In other words, there are many ways to throw a dart, but it must hit the target.

You can only have one destiny ... which is to fulfill the mission you came in for.  This is the overall first premise.  Let's say you have the life theme of Justice.  You'll pick lives in which this theme can be best experienced.  For example, if you were an Irishman in one life, you might then choose to be an Englishman in the next.  This would give you the balance of justice.  Justice is your main thrust.

You may pick certain directions along the way to fulfill the Justice Theme - maybe saving someone from being falsely imprisoned or even just giving a great speech.  Your actions don't always have to be blatant.  You don't have to beat a drum or carry banners.  But the theme is always prevalent.  This is the secret to your entire life - "your theme."

You'll reach the final destiny when you come to your last "exit point."  Then you'll know, with all assuredness, that you've fulfilled your theme.  Future lives are only planned within you.  They're not written where they can be read.  Everything we need to know, is already inside of us.  It's simply a matter of "remembering" because when a person remembers, then they arrive home.

Home is Rememberance... of who you are, where you came from, and what you came to Earth to do; Heaven is right here on Earth, but at a different vibrational level.  The brighter we cause God's light to shine, the higher up we go, until we've reached the realm where God resides.  It's like climbing a letter.  The better we are in our Earthly incarnations, the higher up we go, until we can go no further.

Similarily... alive, we are God manifest on Earth.  Dead, we return to God's Light (temporarily).  Coming back, how and who... depends on our actions in the previous life.


Mother's Day

April 30, 2009

A man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers to be wired to his mother who lived two hundred miles away.
As he got out of his car he noticed a young girl sitting on the curb sobbing.  He asked her what was wrong and she replied, "I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother.  But I only have seventy-five cents, and a rose costs two dollars."

The man smiled and said, "Come on in with me. I'll buy you a rose."  He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his own mother's flowers.  As they were leaving he offered the girl a ride home.  She said, "Yes, please! You can take me to my mother."  She directed him to a cemetery, where she placed the rose on a freshly dug grave.

The man returned to the flower shop, canceled the wire order, picked up a bouquet and drove the two hundred miles to his mother's house.


Who Decides Your Life?

April 26, 2009

You must understand who you really are before you can begin to understand life -- or even tolerate it. Only when you know your true identity, and your true purpose for being here, can anything that's happening around you even begin to make sense. In the absence of this clarity, life as it is lived on the planet Earth will become totally unacceptable to do. It will make no sense at all. And you will want to reject it, to run from it, to hide from it, to pretend you have nothing to do with it, and ultimately, to abandon it.

It will all seem so pointless to you. It will all seem to have no reason or purpose whatsoever, but to simply be a tangled mess of no-fun alternatives and joyless experiences and frustrating choices and impossible challenges, and you will say to yourself more than once, "what's the point?"

In these moments of deep questioning you may find yourself in such a negative place that you will even snort out the defiant lie: "I'd rather be dead."

Only in the presence of Awareness can the primitive existence that we are all living in this barbarian civilization begin to have any meaning, to hold any promise, to provide any comfort in a way that makes sense to our soul.

So here is the truth, here is what you need to know to make some sense of it: You are not your body. Your body is something you have, it is not something you are. The "You" that you are is non-physical. You are a package of energy, a singular unit of the Essential Essence of all of life. You are an expression of all and everything that life is. In spiritual terms it could be said that you are an Individuation of Divinity.

You are a Spirit. You live in two realms: the Realm of the Spiritual and the Realm of the Physical. You move between realms eternally in a process called Evolution. You experience life in the Realm of the Spiritual in order to Know your Self, and you experience life in the Realm of the Physical in order to Experience your Self. The back-and-forth movement of your soul between realms is a journey from Knowing to Experiencing and back again.

So far this is all pretty straightforward. Now here comes the twist. In order to Experience your Self you must forget some of what you Know about your Self. This is because if you remembered all of it, there would be no way to re-create the Experience of it. And it is the Experience of your True Self which your soul desires.

What is important for you to know, what is vital for you to understand in the early going as you explore your Reason for existing and the Reality of all of life, is that there is a much larger agenda being served here than what may be immediately apparent. That agenda has nothing to do with the desires of your body, although your body may, and will, be used in advancing that agenda.

The agenda you are serving is the agenda of your soul. This does not mean that you can have nothing to do with the desires and the joys of physical life. Indeed, it is just the opposite. It is through experiencing the desires and the joys of physical life that the agenda of your spirit is served. Yet you cannot begin to know the joys of physical life until you stop chasing after them as if they were the Prime Agenda, the Prime Purpose, the Prime Goal.

Because most people have not given up the chase, most people have given up the joys. They're resigned now to settling for simple satisfactions. They want only an end to the fear, to the struggle, to the frustration of daily existence. They seek a modicum of security and just the smallest portion of what they see that the most fortunate have. They have become bitter and angry as a result of their inability to achieve even these minimal life goals. They have joined the Great Mass of the Disaffected. They are facing, each day, a life of small sufferings (or in some cases, very large ones), and they scrape and scratch for a tiny moment of happiness here or there.

This is the way it is for many people on this planet. In fact, most. Believe me, I am not exaggerating here. This is the way it is. Perhaps you have experienced life in this way yourself. Perhaps you are experiencing life in this way right now. The above description may feel a little exaggerated to you, but, by and large, it may not be so far off from your own moment-to-moment journey. And if this is not the way life is for you now, I'd venture to say that, at the very least, you know someone in your immediate circle of acquaintances who fits this description perfectly.

I don't mean this to be a "downer." I'm not trying to throw tons of negative energy around here. In fact, just the opposite. I am bringing all of this up here because I want to make a larger point: Life need not be this way. Life was not intended to be this way. The reason life is this way for so many people is that there is among so many people a huge misunderstanding about the nature and function and the purpose of life itself, and who they are in relationship to that.

The good news is that there is a formula that human beings can use that can and will turn their experience around. And the beginning of that formula is about coming to a place of great clarity that life has nothing to do with the body. Life has to do with the Spirit.

That is the understanding for today.

Let that be Today's Reminder.

Nothing more needs to be said now. That is enough. That is a lot. It is a great deal to absorb and to embrace and to digest. So grab onto that knowledge and hold tight to that wisdom as you move through this day.

Stop -- this very day, stop -- the incessant voice inside your head that complains about the experiences your body is not having, the pleasures your body is not enjoying, or the security your body is not feeling. And stop, as well, the endless activity of your mind, wishing for acknowledgment, that others may know who you are and how special you are and how wonderful you are and how good you are at what you do.

You will have all of this. I tell you that before this lifetime is over, every one of your wishes about this will come true.

And it will mean nothing to you.

Then you will realize that you have been reaching for the wrong thing. Then you will understand...then, in that will know that you came here to begin with to serve the agenda of your Soul, not the agenda of your Mind or Body.

I know that all of this may seem empty to you right now -- especially if you are young. Who wants to wait for all the wisdom of life to befall you? Who wants to wait for all the wishes of youth to be granted? Who wants to go through everything that it seems we have to go through in order to achieve what the Spirit is choosing to accomplish?

Yes, yes, it takes great patience, it takes a great willingness to surrender to the process, it takes great faith, especially when you are young. For you have just come into your body, after all, a mere 18 or 25 years ago, and you are just really embarking upon your life, and you understandably want to get on with it, and experience the joy of it.

Well, you can! Even while you are young! Wisdom does not have to wait until you are very old. It is not the treasure only of the ancient and the aged. True wisdom may be embraced at any age, at any time, in any moment. And with the embracing of such wisdom, joy becomes possible to achieve and to experience -- yes, even in the midst of the frustration and the anger and the sufferings small and large.


Soul Groups... (We all belong to one)

April 16, 2009

one of us has a group of souls we are spiritually connected to, just that little more than we are connected with the collective consciousness.

A group we are meant to connect with in both the spirit world, and here by choice in physical form. This is our soul group.
The group could be you, and one other person, or several people. Our spirit guides are also part of our soul group. People from our soul group come into our lives at seemingly random times, but in fact these meetings were prearranged between us in spirit before we came here.

We agree to connect and enable each other to learn a lesson or many lessons depending on how long we have arranged to be in each others lifetime. This is why some people are only fleetingly but intensely involved in our lives, then move on.
Maybe you have felt a connection when you met someone for the first time, a feeling like you have known them forever,” an instant rapport?

Even the use of the internet has brought soul groups together, so feeling a connection with someone on the other side of the world is not so strange. However, meeting someone on the same path is not quite the same as meeting someone in your soul group, there is a difference in the intensity of feeling. So how do we recognise someone from our soul group? Well, another soul group member speaks the same language spiritually. We recognise their energy, not their appearance.

You feel like you
met somewhere before (but know you didn’t).
You could find yourself finishing each others sentences, or having the same ideas at the same time, on the same subject, out of the blue. Verbal or other forms of communication often overlap, e.g. phone calls, e-mails... Quite often you will feel a pull towards that person which surpasses any emotional connection you could possibly have built up in the short time you have known them. It is important to remember it will always be felt reciprocally if they are a truly a member of the same soul group.

This is no excuse for fixating on someone who clearly does not want to know!
You have an awareness when you are around this person that you are going through something important together that will make you even more spiritually aware when that journey comes to an end.

Do you recognize anyone in your life now or in the past
who belongs to your soul group? Think about those people who have created these feelings in you, and even if they are no longer in your life today, think about what knowing them this time around taught you.

Whether we have good or bad experiences with them doesn't matter - there is great value in all of the experiences you will have had as a result of knowing each other again in this lifetime!


You Know What You Want...Now What?

April 12, 2009

"When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for it is just the place and time that the tide will turn." -- Harriet Beecher Stowe

Most of my clients hire me because they want to answer the question "What's next?" They feel dissatisfied with their current job or life situation, but aren't sure what would satisfy them.

They make lots of wonderful and necessary internal changes — reshape their belief systems, overcome obstacles, gain clarity and craft a vision for the future. Then they hit "The Threshold" — that formidable mental canyon that appears once you've identified what you want and blocks you from taking those first steps toward making your dreams real.

Once you know what you want, you must cross The Threshold by taking action. For many people, this is an onerous stumbling block. A new host of fears rush in, making getting started about as easy as taking the first step onto a rickety swing bridge high above your mental canyon. It's common to experience:

  • A fear of failure combined with such thoughts as "What if I try out this vision and it doesn't work?"
  • A fear of success combined with such thoughts as "What if I bring this idea to fruition and my whole life changes?"
  • An amorphous, yet fierce resistance to the task at hand. The kind of resistance that ignites more creative
    procrastination. (Having exhausted more common forms of procrastination, I've been known to trim my toenails and clean my computer keyboard in an attempt to avoid a task. In fact, I think I see a few specks on my keyboard right now)

Here's a hint: Dreams and ideas come to fruition through pragmatic action. It's true. You can envision, manifest, pray and meditate on the state of your cuticles until the cows come home. In fact, feel free to do this, but don't expect your dream to come true.

The Mechanics of Moving Forward

How do you take action in the face of fear and resistance? Here are some concrete steps to take you through the mechanics of moving forward.

A — Acknowledge fear and take action anyway. Action is one of the best antidotes for fear and anxiety. Many people decide that feeling fear indicates an incorrect course of action. Nope — not true. (Note: At the threshold, it's not uncommon for you to feel attached to a specific outcome. Take action and stay unattached to the outcome. We can't predict the results of our actions; results may be immediate or may not trickle down to you until two months or two years later.)

C — Create a community of support. Support is critical. If I counted every time I've told a client "nobody who's successful and accomplished has done it alone," I'd be a very rich woman. If you don't have a supportive community, build one. Find online communities in your field or areas of interest, visit or join professional organizations, and take a look at your friends and family. Who could you reach out to and ask for support? I recall a time when I needed extra support as I crossed that precarious mental swing bridge between one career and the next. So I asked for it. I identified two people who had room in their lives to give me extra support and I called them and asked for it. They were my lifeline during the few months I needed an extra boost.

T — Take charge. Be a leader in your own life. Set goals. Make decisions. Get clear about what you're trying to accomplish. Can't stand bookkeeping? Hire someone else to do it. Plan. Organize your time. You are the only person who can get yourself where you want to go.

I — Interview and research. If you're at the threshold, chances are you have a thirst for more information whether it's about your career transition into marine biology or your move to Tijuana. Schedule informational interviews. Set aside time to research online and at the library. Read books and magazines in your area of interest. Gathering concrete information is the name of the game.

O — Over-reward yourself This is hard work! You must reward and motivate yourself. The next time you identify a reward for yourself, I challenge you to double it. If you haven't rewarded yourself yet, you MUST do so immediately, if not sooner. Here's why: living with mentality of abundance is going to take you much farther than a mentality of scarcity ever will.

N — Network, network, network Each time you speak to someone about your dream or idea, make sure to utter the magic words, "Who else should I speak to?" or wording to that effect. To network is the act of building your physical connection to people. When you feel uncomfortable asking others for help, ask them how you can be helpful to them. In fact, no matter what, ask that anyway.

Standing at the edge of going after what you want can be the most challenging phase of transition. You're walking an unsteady swing bridge between where you are and where you want to be. The next time you find yourself on The Threshold between your idea and bringing it to fruition, take a deep breath and focus on this question, "What's my purpose right now?" The answer will take you where you need to go.

