Things and people are not always as they seem. I am defined by the universe, not by my house, my car, or money.
Your birth into your physical body seems as if it was the beginning of which you are, but that's far from the truth.. It is far from the beginning of "you." When you were born into the body, which you now refer to as "you," you were not just "beginning." Looking at life on planet Earth in this context, will cause your fears to be diminished and your natural eagerness for life will begin to explode inside you. The idea of coming forth into a new physical body on Earth was not a new idea to you, but rather, it was an "exhilarating" one... as, from your non-physical perspective, prior to your physical birth, you understood all of the implications of this "new" birth... i.e., the perfect and stable environment into which you would be born.
What you felt most, was the freedom and unlimited nature of this environment. It's diverse beauty (planet Earth) thrilled you, and the diversity of the people and ideas that awaited you, did as well. And at no point in the preparation for making your new entrance into the physical body, did you feel concern about the perspective of the inhabitants of the planet. You viewed the Earth as ever-changing and perfect; coming forth with an eagerness. Thus, from the secure vantage point from which you were coming, you had no concern about your entrance or about what would surround you, once you got here. Prior to your entrance into your physical body, you were fully aware and conscious in the Non-Physical realm. In other words, you understood yourself as "you" in the same way that you now identify yourself as "you."
And in the same way that you stand in your physical body, looking out into your world, translating what you see through the lens of your own personal perspective... from your non-physical vantage point, you also translated everything that you behold as your own powerful, personal perspective. This means... the Non-Physical you has an eternally expanding identity through which you perceive life; and from that vantage point, you do the following: observe, think, imagine, ponder, know and feel. Thus, from that broad Non-Physical perspective, you came forth into your physical body. You came as an "extension" of the pure, positive energy being that you are in, in the Non-Physical. And as you were born, and donned the physical body and personality that you and others identify with as "you", that conscious Being that existed in the Non-Physical realm still exists there. In the same way that a thinker thinks a thought, but still exists separately from the thought that he or she thinks, the Non-Physical you "thought" you... but still exists separately from you that was thought.
make a long story short... when you give birth to an idea, you still
exist to give birth to another idea. So... from your Non-Physical
vantage point, you gave birth to the physical you. And when the
vibrational projection of thought, which extended from the
Non-Physical, into the physical, converged with the physical body that
was conceived and grew in your mother's womb, you were born. This
means, what was once an idea, which was considered and imagined, has
now come a physical reality. The Non-Physical you, who gave birth to
the idea, remains non-physically focused and so, because of your
physical birth, it has now become even more fully expanded. Not only
has the Non-Physical you expanded, but you now have "two" powerful
points of view... your physical viewpoint and your Non-Physical view
point. And there will never be nothing that will ever be more important
for either of these two perspectives, than their relationship to each
other. Everything that you are living is about your physical and
non-physical points of view and how they interplay with each other.
The physical you, is "you" and the non-physical you is your "inner Being." And your inner Being is referred to as the Soul or God. From your Non-Physical you, your inner Being projected its Consciousness into the physical you... and you were born. Now... here you are living, breathing, thinking, and being... and at the same time, your inner Being is living, thinking and being. You, in your physical body, is an extension of that which humans call "GOD." And because you are the furthermost extension of God, then God is also experiencing that expansion because of you... through you, and with you. This Non-Physical Source (which is God), experiences constant expansion through you, even when you are unaware of its existence or of its connection to you. Now... how deep is this!!! For some reason, God is persistent on me pounding it in your heads, letting you know that you are God... the Physical. The Whole (God), is God the Non-Physical. Courageous is the Soul.
COURAGEOUS IS THE SOUL ... who ventures into time and space to learn of their divinity. To learn all they can, and need to, about the Divine Love that lives inside. For they cannot lose... but they can think they have, and the loss will seem intolerable. And while they cannot fail, they can think they have; and the pain will seem unbearable. Also, while they cannot ever be less than they truly are, which is powerful, eternal and loved... they can think they are, and all hope will seem lost. And there lies their test... their true test. A test of perceptions, of what to focus on, of what to believe in, in spite of appearances. So, courageous indeed, is the pride of the Universe, which is that of the Soul. All that matters is Love.
The Soul is real and eternal. The Universe is real and eternal. Love is all there is. God is the Whole. The body is temporary. And everything else is an illusion. It's something the Universe put together, so that we can create our own reality. And the fact that we can change it at any given moment, demonstrates the illusion. It's something before us, that we created, in order to learn and grow spiritually. We are not these things called bodies. We are Spirit, inside this thing called a body. Everything going on in our lives at this very moment; everything that is happening and has happened... we created it. Thus, we were made in the Image of God. God Created Us, as God in bodies so that He can experience Himself as Divine Love and as the Creator ... And we, as that which was Created... are the Creators of our own reality. God created us, we created this. God Loves us unconditionally, and we are to love others, unconditionally. We are Creators, just like God, and we are to love, just like God.
There is something inside of you that understands and "recognizes" TRUTH. It's a higher power that's able to see what your own mind can't. It's called the temple of your heart. It's Soul... that is the trueness of you. We are Soul, a conscious spiritual entity, awake even when our bodies are sleep. This is why sometimes, we can go to bed with a problem on our mind and wake up knowing exactly what to do; Soul is always alert and knowing. We are a Divine Spark of God... and the more people realize this, which is our true spiritual nature, then the better off the world would be. Soul is eternal, not our bodies. The physical body come and go, but Soul remains the same. We exist beyond death of our bodies... lifetime after lifetime after lifetime... we are born into a body for the opportunity to learn more about God's Love and our own spiritual nature. This is why we were put here in the first place.
existed before the worlds existed and won't be forever damned or rest
in heaven forever. That's because Soul is a living entity that
reincarnates, in order to learn more lessons about God's Love...
because through God's Love, Soul is connected with all aspects of
humanity, creation and the heavens. Some call this synchronicity.
are a "Cell in the Body of God." We are a spark of God... Holding
infinity in the palm of our hands... just like a cell in the human body
that contains the genetic material of the whole, Soul is a living atom
with the qualities and characteristics of God. This means that we have
the innate potential of being, not God Itself, but godlike. We exist
spiritually as Souls because God Loves Us. Soul is never separated,
abandoned, or hidden from God. As Soul, we are beloved sons and
daughters of the Creator. Always welcomed back home to the heart of
God. All Souls were
created to bring God's light, Sound, and Love into the world. To be of
service to God and all life. And as Souls, we have a "Call to
Adventure"... a Spiritual Mission. I've always said our purpose is
"Spiritual" because God is Spirit, so why would He give us a physical
purpose? God is who you go to and look to for answers and conversation.
OUR PURPOSE IS SPIRITUAL... here on this Earthly Plane. Soul's Call to Adventure, your Spiritual Mission... your destiny on earth is to learn how to become a Co-worker with God. To realize your godlike capabilities. Each Soul has Its own special spiritual mission for a lifetime or more. Sometimes it takes a while for you to know what your spiritual mission might be. Along the way, you realize that you're more than a combination of atoms. You're a form with a purpose. Your life has value and meaning. You can experiment with finding your spiritual mission by thinking about what you most love to do. What you truly love will uplift you and others. Love is the doorway to discovering your spiritual purpose in Life.
The Journey of the Soul is amazing! From what I understand and learned during my studies was... Waaay back when, there was no earth, no creation. And God... the Source of all life, wanted a place to educate Souls, so the Word of God began to create things. It did so by changing the vibrations of Light and Sound in a certain region. That area became the lower worlds. So why would God create Soul, is what I sought to find out, and learned that before creation, all Spirits lay at the feet of the Lord in an unmanifested mass. These Spirits could have no separate form, no individuality, nor individual existence except by a mixture of matter. Thus, they could attain no knowledge of their true self in God. Soul was thrust into the worlds of matter, space, and time when God turned the formless into form. To gain knowledge of Its divine nature, Soul had to leave its blissful state with God. While unmanifested, It was happy and self-centered - something like a spiritual couch potato. Soul needed this "mixture of matter" to recognize Its true nature.
AND THEN GOD SPOKE... the Voice of God created the heavens and the earth. Soul needed a training ground to become useful to God. To grow in consciousness, into a vehicle for the Light and Sound. To be a fully aware Co-worker with God, able to love and serve all life. When you know, in the deepest part of your being, that Soul is eternal, you lose the fear of dying. And of living. Jesus said our souls are more valuable than all the rest of the world put together. One reason is because our souls will never die. You body will die, but your soul (or spirit) will live forever. Your soul is so valuable that Christ was willing to give His life to redeem it. Jesus said, "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?" Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Matthew 16:26) Our souls make us uniquely human, and they give dignity and value to every human life. The Bible says, "You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor." (Psalm 8:5) That is why human life should never be scorned or abused or wantonly destroyed, for every person was created in God's image, no matter how young or old. Most of all, our souls are the part of us that can experience God and have fellowship with Him. Because we have souls, we have the capacity to know God and be His friend forever.
were equipped by our Creator not to only live on this earth, but also
to live in touch with heaven. Each spirit sent to life to fulfill a
goal must evolve through learning. The experiences we face in life are
the teaching tools required by the spirit. These experiences are not
meant to hinder us. They are meant to make us stronger. Yet, we often
get confused because our physical experiences seem painful and
unnecessary, because we are not in touch with our spiritual essence.
The goal of spiritual evolution is what we call "life." Our quest is to find our life's purpose and bring ourselves into alignment with that mission as a way of purifying the spirit. Whether we are aware of it or not, our spiritual mission will guide and direct the events of our lives in order for us to complete the tasks to which we are assigned. God created the heavenly realms and this earthly classroom for Soul, to reach Its full spiritual potential. Its adventures exploring divine love within Itself would take lifetimes. Which is the world we created.... what we think is real, but is actually what we created along the way; a life we can change and/or alter anytime we please. Illusion would serve to keep Soul in darkness until It recognized the Light and Sound. At the first breath of life, Soul enters the body.