"There are as many paths to God as there are people who walk them. You will find your own way."
Our Journey To Enlightenment...
There are two categories of what is called enlightenment. First, there
is enlightenment that comes from the mind. This includes enlightenment
of the mental body where people receive a certain amount of
illumination that happens through the mind, and it also includes the
many ideas of enlightenment” which are Illusions of enlightenment. The
word “enlightenment” is used very loosely today to apply to a lot of
different spiritual practices and mental states” So, there are many
ideas about enlightenment, and even more ideas about the illusions of
The second aspect to enlightenment is of the
heart. It is talked about considerably in the Buddhic, Vedantic and
Sufi paths, and to a far lesser extent in other paths. Enlightenment of
the heart is a different focus from that of the mind, and, in my view,
enlightenment of the mind is incomplete without the enlightenment of
the heart.
In order to bring our soul into the physical
dimension, we have been clothed in a garment which can live in this
degree of density. This garment is our personality which is composed of
physical, emotional, mental, and etheric bodies. What happens in the
process of life experiences is that our soul becomes caught in the
personality, which, in turn, gets caught in the pain and other
illusions that are characteristic of the physical dimension. The
experiences in this plane which were supposed to be of love, beauty,
and fulfillment have become distorted into deep experiences of
limitations and the deepest limitations are pain, suffering and disease.
The Challenge
time someone throws their emotions at you it challenges you to see if
you can maintain the love within you that is the core essence of your
being, in spite of what the other person’s emotional upset. If your
lover or boss comes in screaming at you, can you hold the love? If we
want to match the love quality of God, we must do the same for others.
If you get hooked by the other person’s emotions, you lose your center
and your love, and become entangled with like emotions. This further
encases you in the illusions of the lower emotions. Ask yourself why
you fell into this trap? Why did you forget? Why did you lose yourself?
Go inside yourself and purify that place so you don’t forget the next
time it happens.
To progress on the enlightened path you must
become equal-minded or neutral unaffected by victory or defeat, profit
or loss, joy or sorrow, hot or cold, honor or dishonor, or any other
pairs of opposites. When you are equal-minded you will experience joy
and feelings of love and satisfaction regardless of outer
circumstances. When you reach this state, others can no longer hook you
with their emotions or illusions. This is a very high way to live, and
brings great freedom with it. If you are not living with that freedom,
you are like a cork floating on water in a storm” being pushed around
by the projections of everyone around you” letting their illusions rule
and create your reality. If you live this way, you are letting the
blind leading the blind” letting another person’s illusions create
deeper illusions, and you both live in a state of limitation and pain.
Be free. When someone throws something at you, you recognize it as an
illusion, and say, "I love you, but I’m not interested in loosing my
love and leaving my heart."
Somehow humanity has lost track of
its Divine essence and became lost in personalities and living
according to the desires of the personalities. We are all trying to get
out of the limitations we have become ensnared with, and so we pursue
multiple paths to relieve the suffering.
What if we were to
orient our efforts totally to seeking God and God only? Not God as a
concept, not God as a being judging us, but to the Divine truth and
intelligence that lives within us all. And what if we were to commit
ourselves totally and completely to that? What if we were willing to
clear the veils of illusion that cover our hearts from the full
experience of our Divinity?
Most are confused by their emotions,
and so they live in mental worlds of constant thinking, plotting,
reasoning, wondering, analyzing, and scheming. But, remember, the mind
creates illusions, and that is all it can ever create. The mind creates
illusions about who and what you are, and they run very wide and deep.
Each person's illusions are then projected on others, and every
illusion has a core of followers. So, in life you find a confusing
choice of options to distract you from your goal. If you, yourself,
live in illusions and not your Divinity, you will be easily distracted
by the philosophies and projections of others which can only manifest
lack, limitation, pain, and disease.
Your energy field is formed
by your thoughts, and your thoughts create energy patterns in your
subtle bodies. These energy patterns create and attract conditions and
situations based on the character and quality of those thoughts. Those
patterns also coalesce into the physical body itself. Depending on the
nature of those thoughts a person's life and health will eventually
reflect the quality of the thoughts.
The Fast Track to Enlightenment
you have free will, you can choose what to think and how to live. You
can play your illusions out for years or decades, but they will
eventually show up in your life as physical disease, emotional pain,
psychological neuroses, and an overall limitation on the quality of
your life. This is the law of life. The path of surrender is the
fastest and safest path to enlightenment.
The majority of
seekers take convoluted paths of lateral movement forever seeking the
mysterious hidden alchemical keys to open the gates to the Kingdom.
Seeking and searching from the timeless teachings of the mystery
schools to modern brain machines; from new age music to mysticism; from
Eastern religions to Western religions; from ancient civilizations to
aliens, and a whole lot more. Is the seeking fun? Probably. Is there
some enrichment? Of course. But at the end of trail, enlightenment is
still elusive, and the seeker is left still wondering about life after
decades of searching. After a lifetime they discover that they did not
experience a celebrated life of ecstasy because they transcended, nor
did they experience holiness because they found God, rather they face
the grave after a lifetime of searching with a resignation that they
lived the best life they could, but never reached what they wanted.
They say, 'thank you' and leave. Life was not meant to be this way, and
it doesn't have to stay this way.
Why is Enlightenment so Difficult to Attain?
all that you have looked at or studied. Some of the areas you have
probably looked into include: Native American traditions, Tarot,
Astrology, Buddhism, Cabalah, Yoga, Hinduism, Mysticism, Huna,
Mythology, Numerology, Psychic Development, Theosophy, World
Literature, and Zen. Probably everyone has spent time with several of
these studies and others besides. There is an incredible amount of
diversity available today, and most seekers are scattered not knowing
where to look next, but always searching for the missing key. Of
course, it is OK to study all the systems you would like. That is your
free will, and there is certainly some value to it, but why not also
take the direct non-stop flight to God. That is your goal isn't it?
That is the stated underlying goal of nearly all systems, yet they are
filled with an obstacle course of mental illusions on the road to
I have already stated that you have a personality
(Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Etheric bodies), but you also have
within you, your heart center, and within your heart center is your
soul, and within your soul is God. To reach through the layers and find
God, you must align all the components of who you are, and bring them
all back to God. This is done through the constant remembrance of God
through meditative practices, which stop the searching and side-to-side
movement. Yes, you will move forward, and fall back a little, but your
overall movement will be forward and direct. If you invested the same
time and energy into directly seeking and remembering God as you have
been investing in your side-to-side searching, you would be much, much
further ahead than you currently are. Don't waste your life seeking
side-to-side anymore. The quickest way to God, is through love,
surrender and trust.
the direct path to God, there are four major levels composed of stages
in each. The first level starts at the level of the darkest aspects of
self, and progress to the fully integrated self. For example, when a
person hears an inner voice say, "Lie, cheat, and steal," and that
person goes out and does those things, then that person is listening to
the lowest stage. When a person hears the inner voice say, "Lie, cheat,
and steal," but he responds, "I don't think I should do that. I don't
think it is right," he is operating out of the second stage. When that
same voice comes in and says, "Lie, cheat, and steal" and the person
responds "I know that isn't right, I wish to live with God. I won't do
it." That person is in the third stage. When a person reaches the
fourth stage that voice is quiet, the temptations go away, and another
voice is heard. A person living in the higher stages is listening deep
inside their heart to the voice and presence of God.
the upper stage of Level One is completed, that person jumps to the 2nd
level, which is composed of the stages of opening the heart. These are
levels of deeper communion with the divine presence within. This level
is so beautiful that many people reaching this level believe they have
reached enlightenment. They are no longer living for satisfaction of
the personality and what the personality wants. This person is living
with surrender and deeper levels of divine love. They are merging their
heart with the divine heart. In time, if they continue on this path,
they will come to another quantum jump into the 3rd level composed of
the stages to deepening into the Soul where the individual soul and
God-Realization merge.
person is individualized with unique qualities, colors, purposes, and
vibrations. The stages to deepening into the Soul are about the
disappearance of individualized identification and merging into Divine
or God Presence. In the levels of the stages of opening the heart, you
are listening to the “still small voice” of God inside of you. By this
point in your development you will know you are hearing a clear inner
voice not of your subconscious mind or your spirit guides, but the
voice that comes from the essence of the Divine within you that is all
in all.
Now, in the stages to deepening into the Soul, the
individualized soul begins to disappear, until there is nothing left
but complete unity and love which is God. Your soul merges back into
the essence of the ocean of all awareness. At this point your soul
stops to function as an individualized self, and instead lives in deep
truth which is the greatest love you can have. This movement is
described as the extinction of the individualized soul and it's
movement back to the unity of God. In the East this is called Nirvana.
Nirvana means emptiness. This is the state of emptiness that exists
before one fills with the Divine Presence. It is the releasing of
individuality before one comes into the fullness of God Realization. It
is the void before enlightenment. This is a difficult time because it
is one thing to say, "I'm going to give up all of my ego wants and
needs," and another, to be actually willing to really die or become
extinct yet into God. That is, let yourself disappear completely into
God. In Nirvana, there is nobody here. You as the soul are gone. This
is a very deep and holy thing, because now you disappear. This can be
a terrifying event for the ego. Our ego driven identities want to
survive and desperately cling to what is known, and yet at this stage
of evolution a person must be willing to surrender everything they have
known themselves to be. What is left is a consciousness ready to be
filled with the full qualities of God.
this point you enter the 4th level with the stages of divine evolution,
which are the stages where the qualities of God come in to fill you,
until you are completely and totally filled with the presence of love.
When you cross into this stage you enter the world of unity. At this
point you can now say you have reached enlightenment – total
God-Realization. You have really disappeared now, you are not in the
void, not just feeling blissful, not just feeling cosmic, not just
knowing and understanding spiritual truths, but living completely in
the nature of God filled with deep love, and you are held eternally in
the beloved essence of your true divine nature. The Vedanics call this
Nirvikalpa Samadhi. This is the journey of the self to God until you
become completely full of the many qualities of God, and this is called
complete enlightenment. From the 4th level a person no longer
experiences the kinds of problems that most people experience. From the
3rd level and downward there can be disease, struggle, difficulties and
all sorts of problems in increasing amounts the lower you go.
To follow this path requires a process of (1) Meditation and (2) commitment to living a pure and respectful life.
go through lifetimes of living through our ego which is constantly
seeking control. We delude ourselves that we are the powerful and
enlightened ones, when in actuality all of everything is of God or our
Divine Essence. Even Jesus said, "Of myself I can do nothing." We have
the choice to deny God with our free will, but even that choice is
given to us. When you say, "I want to live my life my way," Your
Divine Nature says, "I grant you the permission to live that way," but
know that your own energy is reflected back to you.
Who is
causing existence to manifest? It is what we experience as God. The
entire creation is God's creation. The entire universe is filled with
God, it is nothing but God, and the pure energy and intelligence of
God. God is in and through everything and everyone. God is in every
object, every person, and every thing. God, the ever-luminous light of
intelligence and awareness, shines equally in every heart. When you
recognize the presence of God dwelling in everyone, you will no longer
be able to harbor resentment for anyone. Therefore the safest way is to
put aside your self and seek the depths of your divine nature. This is
the straight and narrow way - the way directly back to God. Once you
make this commitment and surrender yourself totally, every day, you
will make very rapid progress.
insides will become washed with the pure light of God. You will no
longer walk around with the pulls of the flesh, negative energy
attachments, or emotions. Gone will be anger, pride, greed, lust,
attachment, jealousy, fear, resentment, and all the other qualities of
the human race and the mass consciousness that we have carried with us
for lifetimes. One-by-one they will melt away, because you will be
disappearing and you will be returning to your true nature which is God
and love. In this state of being there is only love, beauty, and peace.
Life takes on a higher, deeper, wider, and more full expression of
these qualities far broader and deeper than you could ever imagine. As
long as your heart is covered with the veils of illusion you can only
know these qualities in small measure.
Wanting, desiring,
trying, searching, and attachments are all immense levels of suffering.
If you can let those veils go and come to God, and dissolve into God's
will and the magnificence and radiance of life, there won't be anything
left, but the peace, beauty and love of God. There are so many things
we must all release, and it often seems like an insurmountable and
endless task. Fortunately, there is a way to effect rapid and
wide-spread releases so it is not necessary to enumerate or remember
every last item to be released. It is all done through the process of
surrender, remembrance and meditation. To become free from the pain and
limitations of life, you must release the past, and meditation coupled
with surrender is the way. Here is how it is done:
is the highest and most important practice you can possibly undertake.
Go through your life and give up, release and surrender everything you
can think of. Every person, every possession, every feeling, every
hope, every desire, everything you like and don't like. Include: your
body, your need to be right, your dreams, your fears, your gray hair,
your fat stomach, your anger, your mind, your mortgage, your mate, your
need to be enlightened, your children, your friends, your enemies, your
debts, your lacks, your limitations, your impatience, your mind, and
your life.
Surrender means releasing and letting go of all
resistance. Surrender means having no desires separate from the one
desire to be fully surrendered. It means offering up as an act of love
everything you say, think and do, as well as what will be done, when it
will be done, and how it will be done. It is "taking no thought" and
watching as the "Red Sea" of obstacles parts before you. Yes, obstacles
melt, and the path opens before you to straighten out and open all the
narrow and crooked places. But you must want God-Realization more than
you want air. It must be the strongest burning desire within you. Then
you must have serene patience, and all that you could ever want or
desire will be given to you.
A functional label for our divine
nature is Sat-chit-ananda. It means that this power or force that is
filling the universe and beyond has three attributes: Lying at our core
is what has been said to be beyond the mind and words. Sat means true,
real or existent and carries with it the idea that the Self is beyond
all impermanence and can never cease to exist.
Chit means
Awareness or consciousness. Actually the awareness that pervades all
things. Ananda means bliss. In this true self that we are, there is
completeness, balance, harmony, and happiness… there is no disharmony
and no lack, pain or struggle.
Our spiritual path then is to
enable us to navigate through the outer layers with wisdom, balance and
harmony, while deepening our realizations of the true nature of our
being which is the Sat Chit Ananda.
As you sit in meditation you
tune into your body and your inner space and observe what is there.
After several minutes of getting in touch with your inner space you
identify sensations, perceptions or voices and you say, "I am willing
to surrender and release the need for this." Then you wait to see what
the inner response is to the statement. When you start this practice,
memories, feelings or voices will arise within you saying things like,
"This is crazy." "You are not doing this right." "This is silly." "You
don't deserve this." "This will never work." "This is a waste of time."
"This is too hard." But as you continue surrendering whatever arises,
the reactions will diminish and you will discover some amazing changes
beginning. By surrendering you will gradually connect with your soul
and God presence more and more deeply and as you do, your inner being
becomes an incredibly beautiful radiance of love, peace and beauty.
Your life can totally change in a matter of hours. This is very
powerful and very fast. When the clearing is done with these techniques
they are cleared forever.
When you are willing to drop yourself
and all your attachments, you fall deeply into the love of God and you
are consumed by God. You and God become one and the only thing left is
the unity and oneness that is all that is. From that place there will
be no disease, no suffering, no lack, no pain, no separation--there
will simply be the essence of deep love, deep peace, and deep beauty.
have taken a journey that has led you to the remembrance of your true
self. The only thing that is different about an enlightened person is
that he/she recognizes his or her own divinity and the divinity of
everyone else. Usually, when you reach this stage of development, ego
concerns have little relevance.