Peaceful Angels

June 17, 2009


The Human Body Energy Centers

May 27, 2009

Beautiful Meditation Videos!! - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3


Daily Meditation for Peace of Mind

April 29, 2009

The act of meditation for at least 15 minutes in the early morning will have a positive effect on your mind during the entire day.

Upon waking have these positive thoughts.

I am a peaceful soul, my aim today is to have a peaceful mind and radiate peace to everyone that I come into contact with.

Try to experience the stillness of mind of being a peaceful soul.... as other thoughts emerge in the mind do not judge or focus on them but repeat...

I am a peaceful soul...  I am a peaceful soul.

My mind is filled with peace.  I radiate peace to the world.

I feel the gentle waves of peace flowing across my mind.

As these peaceful thoughts emerge in my mind I feel the stillness and silence envelopes my mind.

I am the peaceful soul.  I am a peaceful loving soul.

My mind feels light and free from worries.

I realize my real nature is peace.

Peace of mind in my true nature...

Peaceful thoughts flow through the mind and I feel the self becoming light.

I am a being of light and peace shining like a star.

I radiate peace and light to the world.

The light and peace envelopes me and the waves of peace and light shine from my mind like a lighthouse...

I continue to radiate peace to the world as I fill my mind with peace love and light...

through this peace i feel love and benevolence for all souls...

I see on the screen of my mind, a radiant light and this light feels gentle and soothing.

I the peaceful soul feel at peace with myself, this stillness of mind enables me to feel content and complete.

This is a wonderful journey of self discovery.

Peace of mind using meditation is a process that involves an extended time period and patience is required.


Meditation for Inner Peace

April 24, 2009


Basic Guided Healing Breath Meditation

April 17, 2009

If you like to follow a voice and music for your meditations, this is a good place to start. This instructor from the Copra Center takes you through the basics of using your breath and awareness to promote healing in certain areas of your body.


Nature Sounds Meditation

March 31, 2009


Amazing Grace... A time of completion

March 18, 2009

A Time of Completion

We are at an important stage in humanity's evolution, a time of completion and closure, the end of separation and karma and the creation of new energies of reconnection, creation and being powerful. This is a cycle that exists within our own lives as well as for the earth itself. Every aspect of the material world is in a completion cycle at this time. And for some of us, this completion means saying goodbye to our soul partners and groups, to who we heal, how we use our healing energy and our healing commitments.

Healers have been engaged in healing for many lifetimes. Many of us are here at this time because we have healing contracts with our soul groups. And part of our life journey is to complete those contracts, which are not being completed as we had hoped. We are faced with the choice to stay in energies which may no longer suit us and help others with their healing or move on and allow them to find other teachers. Can we say goodbye and not feel guilty about those we believe we are leaving behind?

When we have moved out of a vibration it is uncomfortable for us to be with those who have that energy. And so the choice for us is obvious, to move fully into our new vibration and experience our reality from this new level. But we have strong ties to our soul groups that are part of our emotional DNA and it can be tempting for us to delay our growth because we feel their pain and fear. It is our natural tendency to help them because that is what we have always done. So we delay our own movement, hoping that by giving them one more chance they will 'see the light' and our completion cycle can include their healing as well as ours.

Everyone is being given the opportunity to complete their cycles, to move into higher levels of being, to accept new vibrations and to ascend. But not everyone is ready or willing to do the work that is required for their completion. We will all face painful choices to allow those close to us to learn, heal and grow without our hand holding. Our choice has to be for ourselves, for what is best for our own soul growth. And we can disconnect energetically from others to allow them to find their own power, to direct their healing and to ascend in their own way and in their own time. We can guide everyone to the light of their own understanding by gently disconnecting from our need to heal others and release ourselves from the commitment to their healing. Then we will complete our cycles and allow them to finish theirs in a way that brings them to the full realization of their power and divinity, without sacrificing our own soul growth in the process. 


Cosmic Meditation

March 13, 2009

Cosmic Meditation


Out of Body Experience

March 1, 2009

The out-of-body experience is also know as astral projection, because it represents the projection of the inner layer of the body - the astral or etheric body - into the astral world without hurting the physical body.  When the inner body is projected outward into the world outside the physical body, it gains a degree of freedom that it does not enjoy while encased in the physical body.  Today, however, we tend to use the more accurate term 'out-of-body experience'.  The reason that this is a more accurate term is that projection as such - that is to say, a wilful outward movement out of the physical body - is rarely the means by which the phenomenon occurs.  Rather, it takes the form of a feeling of dissociation between the physical and the etheric bodies - a floating sensation during which the inner self seems to be leaving it's physical counterpart and travelling away from it.  The movement toward the outside is by no means rapid or projection-like.  In most cases, it is a slow, gradual disengagement.  Occasionally there are dramatic instances in which astral projection occurs spontaneously and rather suddenly.  But such cases usually involve some form of shock or induced trauma, such as surgery, anaesthesia, sudden grief, sudden joy or overwhelming fatigue.

Out-of-body experiences can be divided roughly into two categories: spontaneous cases, in which they occur without being induced in any way and are usually a surprise; and experimental cases, in which the state of dissociation is deliberately induced by various means.  The defining issue of astral projection, whether voluntary or involuntary, is the question of whether the traveller makes an impact on the other end of the line, so to speak.  If the travel is observed, preferably in some detail, by the recipient of the projection, and if that information is made available only after the event itself, it constitutes a valuable piece of evidence for the reality of this particular psychic phenomenon.

An umbilical cord, silver in appearance, that is attached between the astral body and the physical body has been reported as being observed by persons during out-of-body experiences. In research of astral body projection this phenomena seemed common; however, later data tend to show it to be rare.  It is said that if the silver cord is cut whilst the astral body is out of the body, then physical death will occur.  The astral body will then float freely to the next dimension.



February 6, 2009

If we want to make peace with others, we first need to be at peace with ourselves. But this can sometimes be as difficult as making peace in the bloodiest of the world's war zones.

Peace begins within each of us. It is a process of repeatedly showing mercy to ourselves, forgiving ourselves, befriending ourselves, accepting ourselves, and loving ourselves. As we learn to appreciate ourselves and accept God's gift of peace, we begin to radiate peace and love to others.

This lifelong journey toward inner peace requires regular self-examination and an ongoing process of making peace with ourselves. It means constantly examining the roots of violence within us, weeding out those roots, diffusing the violence that we aim at ourselves and others, and choosing to live in peace. It means treating ourselves with compassion and kindness. As we practice mercy toward ourselves, we begin to enjoy life more and more and celebrate it as adventure in peace. We turn again and again to the God who created us and offer sincere thanks. By persistently refraining from violence and hatred and opening up to that spirit of peace and mercy, we live life to the fullest, and help make the world better for others.

But this process of making peace with ourselves can be one of the most difficult challenges we face. Each one of us wrestles with our own demons. The daily challenge is to befriend those demons, embrace our true selves, make friends with ourselves, disarm our hearts, and accept in peace who we are. The deeper we go into our true identities, the more we will realize that each one of us is a unique yet beloved child of the God of peace. In that truth, we find the strength to live in peace.

"Love your neighbors as you love yourselves," Jesus tells us. As we love and accept ourselves, we will find strength to love others, and to love God, who loved us first. As we make peace with ourselves, we can learn to make peace with others. Such true self-love is not selfishness, egotism, or narcissism, but wholeness, even holiness. First, we humbly accept our brokenness, our weakness, our limitations, our frailty and vulnerability, and our dependence on God. We accept our failures and forgive ourselves for our mistakes. Then, we accept the living God who dwells within us, and allow God's peace to make her home within us. Making peace with ourselves is like building an inner house of peace and welcoming the God of peace to dwell there forever.

